Ren'Py - Holiday Island [v0.4.5.1] [darkhound1]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I think I found this game january 2019 and after that I found myself playing this game time to time. If I am on pause and I start playing again, I always start for beginning. Game have lots of quality content and it has many different and brilliant stories for each different girl. Animations plays smoothly.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I know some of the reasons why I like this game are reasons others don’t like it. It just happens to have just about everything that appeals to me.

    First thing – I’m a breast man. I love the look of proportionately over-sized boobs on a slender body. Whether the breasts are natural or not I love them really big.

    When I first tried out the game I was disappointed by the grind. That’s when I first came across the term, “grind”, to describe the slow pace trying get to any hot stuff. I’ve only had a passing acquaintance with sex games, but this one seemed much more involved with non-sexual material.

    However, I soon came to appreciate the pace and detail. I now enjoy the element of unpredictability and the teasing. It makes the hot stuff more satisfying when I hit it. I’m playing with version Almost no bugs so far. I had been tempted to try out the cheating technique, but decided to hold off. I’ve been using the saves to try different options, and taking notes along the way. I like having a lot of girls and things to explore. It makes it really interesting and engaging for me.

    I can see that Darkhound1 put a tremendous of work and thought into this. I agree that the renderings are amazing. I think the girls are stunning. He did a great job at rendering so many different girls, outfits, and scenes. I have a special thing for Joy.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I had a hard time giving this a 4 star as it really should be a five. The girls are hot, scenes are fun, and there is a ton of content.

    I guess for me the game is way too grindy. I don't mind games with grind, but some of the things you have to do to get an achievement are just crazy. It wouldn't be so bad if there were less girls on the island that you had to keep track of, but with so many it can be confusion.

    For example, Amy is the hardest to have sex with as you have to jump through so many hoops to get there, yet when you are asked in Hotshots "how many people has Amy slept with" her answer is "too many to count". And yet she is the hardest to unlock... Crazy.

    It would probably be easier with fewer girls as it gets hard to keep track of which girl needs which outfit at what location. Especially when some of the girls have a lot of content while others do not. The content is apparently driven by Patreon voting, which is fine, but that leaves some of the girls out in the cold.

    But again, there is a ton of great content, regular updates, good renders... a whole lot to like. Just be ready to invest some time.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Strange this game, things are there, but at the same time are not, the render is good, but the gameplay, it is all so random that when you reach the goal there is no satisfaction. Try playing if you want, but I keep searching for a heart of gold...
    And i'm getting older!!!!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    All really interesting game! The 3DCG is really nice and the story while really hard to go through is pretty interesting. Most games go for a very linear story where it's just go from this objective to that objective and from this person to that person. While this approach is much better for getting the player his fix as fast as possible it gets kind of boring. This game is still kind of like that since there is an inbuilt walkthrough but it's a little hard to progress nonetheless.

    Some cons of this game however is that events are extremely unpredictable. While you can abuse a lot of stuff to get events to happen I would rather not have to go back and forth between two locations just to get something to happen.

    Another con is stat building. It doesn't work like most games where as soon as you do the action you get a stat boost. You have to do perform whatever stat you want to build a certain amount of times per week to get an numerical stat increase. Not only that but you are limited to only ONE stat building per day.

    The pros are the sex scenes. They are rare but damn do I love them. This game has a lot of teasing and foreplay but after doing some stuff you get a sex scene that is damn worth it.

    Another pro is the pacing of the game, as I said it's much slower than many games. This is due to how slow it takes to build stats. While some people will view this as a detriment to the game, I view this as a positive as it gives me an actual game to play. This game isn't just rushing through everything just to see the porn scene (though you can).

    There is also some small stuff that might annoy people but personally they are negligible to me.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is absolute best concept of dating and sex game I have ever tried.

    Creator of this game Darkhound1 has really good imaginative skills and he will bring this game to top1 on this forums.

    There are few things he need to consider implementing:

    1. More fulfilling stats - stats need to be on same cap (for example some stats have 5, some 10, some 100), so all stats should be either 5, 10, 20... or 100.

    2. Once 1 scene and appointment is done, it shouldn't repeat itself in the game. I know this game is sandbox, but it should have some sort of "linear progress" attached to it. Events are ok being repeated.

    These are the only two things I am gonna suggest, everything else is pretty much perfect, except we do not have mod like the Nice Erotica Companion Mod. I am using it to modify stats as cheat mod, but I relish the challenge to explore and try my own paths.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, I've played from the beginning, skipping several releases.
    This time without cheats (almost). :p
    It's impressive the addiction I get. And also the content. I think that after three days I still don't reach 50%.
    The game has no bugs for me. It happens from time to time it closes unexpectedly, so I recommend saving before each scene (A quick save button would be very useful).
    These crashes could be due to my computer (a laptop some years old already).
    The game itself represents a constant challenge. And that's very good. The clues give an idea but don't say anything explicitly, which gives more immersion to the player who has to look for different options.
    It also has good humor scenes and the renders are very good, as well as the quality and variety of the lewd scenes. There's a big improvement as development progresses.
    In conclusion, it's a great game for players, perhaps not for those looking for something linear and uncomplicated.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Women of perfect proportions, amazing renders, lot's and lot's of scenes, lot's of women having said perfect proportions.

    This game does what it promises to do perfectly, not once for hours and hours of playing it I lost my steel-like hard on, so that means something huh. Story being (at least for now) just an excuse for being on the Island is great, girls which are made entirely by game creator are incredibly gorgeous, scenes and angles are some top notch Mario Salieri camera plays, our goddesses have several clothes to wear (and more coming in future I believe) and that is a huge, HUGE plus.

    Only thing I find fault with is MC and more precisely his behaviour. He knows what place he found himself in and that the valley of tits is sooner or later his to take, but doesn't really act like he knows. He blushes all the time, get's embarassed very easily and isn't overally very daring.

    But hell, throw some tits at me and I'll let you burn kindergarten down.

    So, overally this game is truly top-notch despite still being in beta so think about what will come in future.


    Ps. If you think the girls bodies are over-exaggerated and proportions belong to fantasy books, I suggest you visit some gay porn sites and you'll most probably find out something new about yourself.
  9. 3.00 star(s)



    - Story is average but there are to many girls
    - Mc is a guy who get turned on to easy


    - Only thing turning me off is the size of the woman there breast size
    They all have the same big breast size

    - to much grinding

    Things i would love to see

    Mc becoming guy who can control his feelings who doesnt get turned on to fast

    Less woman to reduce grind and unlock gallery scenes easier

    Woman with small or normal breast
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Vampiric Dreams

    3 Stars for the effort. Girls are pretty bland. Story is like really not believable. Game mechanics are super grindy. Interface and the whole system sucks and it is time consuming. Game as someone in the reviews already mentioned belongs in the eary 2000 era. For that time period it would have been a solid 5/5 but not today. Definitely not today... :FacePalm:
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    From the games I've played so far, this is one of the better ones. I'm kinda unpatient at times, which is why I welcome the mod. But even rushing girls, there is just enough content for so many days. The graphical quality is awesome, the girls somehow manage to develop somewhat of a character (considering the count) and each one has a story (not very deep, but it's past grind and dip the dick) and a bunch of renders to find and unlock.

    I'm actually not so much of a big boob fan, but it's not bad enough to turn me off. There are many things this game does not contain, and if you need those, you might need to look elsewhere. There is no noteworthy incest, no anal, rape, ntr... whatever - and no deep emotional story.

    Just accept this game as the big boob sandbox game, and you're gonna be happy. I'm so happy, I even wrote this review.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game with most awesome girls ! So big varieties of beautifull girls with who you can interact) Author done amazing job and every new update is wondefull! Yvette is the best girl in gamw by the way;)
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I know that many will be upset and I know how much effort the developer put into this project but my opinion about the game is that I didn't like it. The gameplay was quite tiring and there was a certain grind that was discouraging, although the story and its development hadn't captured me or caught my attention. I don't think the game is bad, but for some and other reasons it ended up disinteresting me.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is great and Darkhound1 is engaged with the community as they continue to build and develop it. Bonus previews you can't find elsewhere and a supportive community with only a few trolls really help.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The graphic are very nice, each girls look so much different(and likable)
    It include of course your regular stats grinding(for the MC and the girls) which unlock new skimpy outfits, and it has some fun mini game like strip poker and hotshots + your pre-requisite butt/wet T-shirt contest(it's Holidays Islands after all)
    The story is focus around unlocking event/quest for girls and building your harem...
    Who doesn't like harem?(ex-husband... anyways...moving on...)
    If you're into loli this game isn't for you, as it contain lots of really big Oppai j/k, NOT 'just kidding' i meant breast size.
    The back pain inducing kind but thankfully the character are fictional so they've nothing to worry about. ;)

    With more future contents coming, it can only get more interesting.
    P.S. Don't expect a VN or some heartbreaking tears inducing story.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Grindy, repetitive, poor story, and NOT FUN. Yes the graphics is decent, but why don't I go watch animated porns instead if I want nothing but sex scenes? In my opinion, games betters porns in fun gameplay mechanics and absorbing story, neither of which is done well in this game.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm a former patron, and I've played this game through many versions now and just have to write this review.

    I have a love-hate relationship with this game.

    It was at its absolute best when starting out. And the reason is that the random-unlock-style was delivering hit after hit of good scenes. Those eventually started to slow down, but wouldn't you know it a new version would come out and reignite the spark.

    But as time has gone on, honestly I've started ignoring newer updates. And its not from a lack of content, but rather how abysmal the process of unlocking that new content feels.

    This game is basically a slot machine, and the further you get the worse your chances of getting something good. I'm at the point now where it feels like I have to grind out an hour or more of grinding a situation to get the conditions right for new scenes to unlock, and it just never feels worth it.

    I really wish this game had more predictability and just completely dropped all the RNG because its ruining an otherwise amazing game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing renders, incredible variety and an intriguing overall plot. The most "sandboxy" of all the top tier games in the genre, and yet you can spend 3 months on the dream island without ever repeating the exact same event twice.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen


    I don't usually like free-roaming time management games, but I did enjoy this one a fair bit. It does a good job of filling the areas with content, as opposed to most free-roaming games where you just move from one empty room to another in hopes of stumbling across something worth seeing. It has a helpful hint system, and a gallery that allows you to view some of the scenes you've unlocked. The user interface is incredible. You can travel from any one location to any other location with a single click. It shows how many girls are at each location before you go there. You can check your training progress, view your schedule, and re-schedule appointments. It's designed to be very user friendly.

    The main complaint I have with the game is that some of the scenes are very hard to find, even with the hints, because there is a random element to them. The Hot Shots minigame is particularly annoying because of how much it depends on luck and how heavily the odds are stacked against you. Other scenes need you to also meet very specific requirements in addition to the random chance of the scene triggering at all, so they can be very frustrating to unlock.

    The other big compliant I have is that most of the characters have unnaturally large boobs, many to the point where it becomes absurd or even a little grotesque. Some wear them well, but there are several characters that would look perfect if they were just toned down a bit (or a lot). I understand the importance of having some characters with exaggerated figures for variety, but out of the twenty characters in the game, only three or four have reasonably sized busts. This is exasperated by the fact that the more realistic characters are the ones with the least amount of content. It's quite disappointing to meet Lacey, Renee, Deliza, and Brenda all at the pool and not have a single pool related event with any of them.

    All things considered, this game is good lighthearted fun and I would recommend giving it a try.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Do you like sandbox/management games?

    Do you like stumbling across scenes/sequences in games?

    Do you like high quality renders with amazing attention to detail?

    Are you looking for painstaking animated scenes of said high quality renders?

    Then this game very well may be for you.

    The developer is active, responsive, and invested in the project. The story fits the setting and style of the game quite well - not too serious, some good/dumb laughs, and plenty of what we're all here for. One big plus is that Darkhound is definitely taking us somewhere with the backstory of HI Inc, but there's no clear picture yet as to where we'll end up. And that's one aspect of the game's development that keeps me interested. Additionaly it feels like they never move onto the next step until everything in the current iteration is working exactly as they want, which is commendable for a game of this nature. I've been following HI for roughly 18 mos and so far Darkhound & Co consistently deliver quality with every single update.

    Yes, there's a grind to this game. You can't just jump in and be MRTWENTYINCHCOCK (well...ok...maybe after a blue pill is ingested...), you do have to work on stats or install the dev approved mod - I find endurance to be most helpful. While it would be nice if certain stats were a bit smoother/less time consuming to level up (perhaps add a "training schedule" series of events with Jennifer in the gym to make clear how to increase str and endurance stats quickly?), I've found that if you play through normally a lot of the events and scenes will trigger as you go about your day and night.

    Keep up the great work!