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Ren'Py - Twisted World [v0.1.5 Remake] [SnatsGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the art and overall personality the main character has along with a fun art style and hot demon babe's. Overall a well put together and fun story so far, can't wait to see more work done on this one.
  2. 5.00 star(s)



    Very well done, has a high attention to detail in the expressions of the characters and is very well animated

    I really liked the story so far, it has a lot of cool characters, the MC plays his role well and is very ambitious
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    First thing first, this game is so well made. You can feel the time and effort the creator had when making it. All scenes (Not just the sex once) are really good looking and almost all dialogue comes with new images. I have seen a lot of others who just move the mouth of the characters but in this game the character really expresses everything in body langues.

    I thought I would quit a couple of minutes in but I kept going, the characters are funny and they don't take themself too seriously. Since the world you are in a pretty sexual, it makes sense for the character to be so as well.

    The humor and scene are spots on (for my taste) and I usually don't like futas and girl bodies like that but damn this game is goooooood~ I laugh out loud a couple of times.

    Futa and Trap content is all optional. I never touch a game that has futa, I just don't like them but this one treated them all right. Whenever I do play a futa game, they are just written like the worst porn actors, but in this, they are just normal people. The trap content is pretty awesome, I love games that have both straight and gay themes. Hope to see games in the future have more of that as well.

    All and all this is the first game in a while where I got sad when I finished it. I want more! And I can't wait to see what happens! <3
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 989013

    i tried to get into this game and i've been delaying it and delaying it so much.I barely got to the part where we get home.
    I am actually surprised this game has such a high rating.I haven't enjoyed this game even a little bit so i have to give this game a poor rating.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Edit: This game made me gay.

    Well, the original anyway, opened my eyes to the beauty of femboys. It introduced a whole new genre to me which I still enjoy to this day in other works yet to match or even come close to Jaiden...so it is with heavy heart I must revise my previous 4 star review of this game.

    Had the game simply been reworked at a decent pace (matching the original), I would have been slightly disappointed, but patient. So it isn't merely the fact the dev went against the majority of public opinion who insisted the artwork which drew so many of us in the first place did not need to be started from scratch, it's that doing so put the game on hiatus for a year with...this...to show for it.

    I was actually ready to justify the wait, as I expected the introduction of all the teased new characters and a slew of new scenes/story on top of everything from the original recreated in the new style. Surely such a long wait meant we were continuing from where we left off, if not at least catching up to it but with additional main characters?

    Instead, we do not even progress past the prologue of the original. I would appreciate the extension of the prologue were it simply in addition to the remainder of the game, but for that to be the entirety of this long awaited and anticipated update leaves only ill feelings towards the decision being made to remake it at all. It no longer feels worth it. This was my favorite game on the site. I won't deny it remains my favorite 3d art style, but until we pass where we were this same time last year, which at the rate of progress I can't even guess when that will be, I can no longer consider this game amazing.

    The original was incredible, and had it wrapped up it's story with the amount of content it had, would have no question deserved 5 stars. This remake, had it been released without the original existing prior to it, would have been a fascinating and certainly promising new game. But I live in a world...a twisted world, where unlike our protagonist, I remember what happened before our MC died and came back in this beautiful, but oh so underwhelming remake.

    It's a damn shame. Don't be dissuaded, dev. I still dream of this game, one of my absolute favorites, being completed in whatever art style you bless us with, and I've no doubt the blood sweat and tears which go into attempting to accomplish just that and understand surely you have your own frustrations too. At this moment, however, I'm just sad.

    -Solemnly, a chronic porn game masturbator.

    P.S. Can't wait for more of the demon queen. Thankfully it seems Jill's old design ended up coming across in the updated tomboyish design of her daughter...

    Original review:
    What an incredibly fun story. I'm legitimately upset I have to wait for the next release. This is so damn entertaining, I don't even need to have sex scenes. I would read this as a novel, I would watch this as a movie, I can't say enough how entertaining I found this story. From the premise, to the characters to the main characters own situation in this new world, absolutely well done. 10/10. (4 stars as it's still early in development).

    - The story is really fun. Seeing the gender roles reversed is interesting and fun to see, especially with the Main Character we were given behaving the way he does.
    -The sfx are spot on. I feel alive playing games with music and I feel on top of the world playing games with sex sounds.
    - This may be personal as I dig this style, but the art is incredible, excellent 3d models. I love me some exaggeration. Traps are very sexy, girls are voluptuous beyond belief, demons are as adorable as they find the MC.
    -Comedy. I laughed out loud multiple times playing this. As I said before, it's so entertaining I could enjoy it as a regular show without being horny.
    -I mentioned it before but it's worth highlighting again, the characters are incredible. I know each is a typical role in any work of fiction but they all play them perfectly and adorably, only helped by the twist that the genders are switched up as well (adorable trap roommate complaining about perverted women, I'm looking at you). I can't wait to see the eventual payoffs for each of their individual stories. Especially the traps(which I'm normally not too keen on, another interesting pro for this game)

    -The character models are a bit too similar. I mean, the MC and roommates have the same head.
    -I want moar!

    The game is only on it's second update at the time of writing this, and there is plenty of content for such an early build(though only one complete sex scene, ignoring the other foreplay and mild nudity). I appreciate that the story has been fleshed out with world building through group conversation and news reports, it gives me the same fun feeling of watching a good fantasy movie and learning about the new world you're in. Moving forward I hope the game maintains focus on that and continuing a slow seductive progression with the characters, maybe finishing one main girl's story per update or so, since it's always hard to keep things interesting once you've completed a girl's story. I like that the pace is moving along slowly and evenly with everyone and look forward to the payoffs.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.2.1

    Wowsa, this is one of the best games I've ever played on f95zone. A very weird game too with the use of gender bending. Never played or even saw anything so different but well done at the same time.

    • animated scenes
    • character models - thicc af... even the traps
    • interface/sound - great design for the UI stuff and music and sound accompanies the entire playthrough
    • funny - i enjoy the humour in this, not cringey but nothing necessarily amazing but it makes the game better for sure
    • hot scenarios - very stimulating scenes imo, each one of them. the dev also doesnt make the mistake and make everyone conclude in sex, instead we see just how hot scenes can be without any sex. but when there is sex, boi does it feel good. doctor scenes are hands down the best.
    • story and world - the story is okay but the world is really enjoyable to see the gender roles swap. the fact that the women are the perverts is so hot. the mc is also a tolerable character lol not soy and not completely evil
    This is the only game I've fapped to traps and futas and I'm straight. That's how well done these scenes are to me, the characters always feel female enough to fap to due to the whole gender swap and feminine bodies.
    Other than that I have nothing bad to say about this game, not even the huge mammary glands on the milf.
    I look forward to see more from this dev. Keep it up!
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Lust Demon

    Well... The premise is perfect for lots of sex. The protagonist is a half incubus with a big cock and a high sex drive in a world full of sexually frustrated women, traps and futa. And he goes and bangs like... almost none of them. This is a sex game, right? I mean it's better than the ones where you run around trying NOT to have sex, but the end result is the same.

    The art is 20 years old; though the views are from good angles and some of it is animated. The music is OK. I didn't have any errors/crashes/bugs on my playthrough and that's always a plus. There's a good amount of "content" but like I already mentioned, almost none of it is more than a tease; if it's even that.

    The one good thing is the writing. It made me laugh out loud a few times and anything funny is good, but.... A half incubus surrounded by sluts and NOT banging them in a sex based game... To each their own, I guess?

    As for characters and character design: You basically live in a boarding house with stereotypical characters. Don't get me wrong, they're all hot... Really hot and with good personalities to boot... but all generic. It wouldn't be so bad if the "incubus protagonist" got further than a teenager playing "spin the bottle"; it might even work in the game's favor, but... yeah...
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I expected to find something great from the way everyone was talking about it, but I found something else entirely.
    Everyone saying the animations are fantastic, now we're getting there, let's take it slow.
    I'm fine with the futa, the traps, the exaggerated shapes of the characters, but I'm not fine with the fact that these shapes prevent you from actually seeing the scene. During the lewd, the cocks, the tits, whatever, are so huge that they prevent you from seeing even the simple penetration. Not to mention also that some lewd scenes have a position of the camera where the action is hidde, because the members are huge.
    Also everything compenetrates, they are not clean animations, everything compenetrates with everything. The famous animations, in the end are just default animations, and I was expecting something custom or better stuff, all clips.
    I'm sorry, I could overlook the futa and trap, but not the animations.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I really loved this game. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of this games tags (futa,trap,huge breasts etc.) but I gave it a chance and it was a good decision. Enjoyed most of the game expect giant futas scenes but still a 10/9x for me.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I find this game both charming and great at expressing itself. The Devs have done a great job in making the characters very expressive, and that in turn enhanced the interesting and comedic world the MC landed in. Some might get turned off by the oversized boobz at the cover--don't worry, there's so much more than that in the game.

    A great game that you MUST at least try playing.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    this is fantastic stuff! awesome job
    I like the story so far, the animation is pretty good
    About the only thing is the mothers boobs...... just a bit too large, but it is funny the snuggling in them tbh
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    So far for v0.2.1 the characters and renders are A+ and the writing is fun. Looks like half the content is/will be trap and futa content, with the other half female content.

    So far its just a VN, but I'm looking forward to future updates to sandbox gameplay
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, first of all; This is a magnum opus.
    The day i discovered it, i felt something that only happens when you find a reason in life, the sensation boiling inside me, as i progressed through the 0.1 ver, was something that made me think about all the hundreds of ero games that i played, and realize that this is something that i only felt about 5 times.
    The world built-up is interesting, the protagonist makes you feel connected to the game, the characters in this are really catchy, and you can't feel bored at all.
    As i ended my first playthrough, i was absent-minded, i knew that it was a jackpot found, and i just couldn't calculate in my mind how godlike this could turn into. There's no doubt that the developer (I don't know if he does it alone) and whoever else is working on this, has been putting an insane amount of effort in order to make something so great and promising. I barely could wait for the next release.

    As 0.2 got released, i felt a shiver in my body, it was the thrill of pure happiness and expectation to once again be able to play this wonderfull masterpiece, and i wasn't disappointed. In fact, i was in awe.
    The progression couldn't have been better, and i feel that i am lucky, because i'm able to follow the beginning of this journey.

    I apologize for not being able to properly support this project, as i'm in the deepest part of the trash-can in life right now, but i hope this state is not going to last for long, that's what i wish.

    In conclusion: The game is sensational. Characters, world, scenes, everything complements each other properly. It was really a call of the destiny for this to be released despite the hardships that you had previously.
    Thy efforts shalt be thou way to glory.

    (English is not my first language, so, sorry if anything is wrong. It's also the first time i'm writing such a extensive review, i'm really thankfull if you took your time to read through all of that :) )
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Utterly brilliant, amazing koikatsu renders and models, brimming with animations at every corner, great writing and quirky characters, girls look hot and boys look more like girls than girls. What's not to love? 5/5 can't wait for more
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Good Morning/Afternoon or whatever to you, this is a Review for v0.2.1 of Twisted World.

    I understand that it is probably too soon to give a Review for some, but the Content present in the Game warrants a first Review.

    First off, be aware that this Game's Animation is clearly influenced by the Japanese Anime Style. The Models are NOT realistic and some even heavily exagerated. (Bimbo+Anime Style)

    If you hate Bimbo or Anime Style, this Game is not for you.

    If you are open for this Animation style, what i can tell you is that a fun, interesting and sexy Adventure awaits you.

    As this is an Adult Game, let's take a look at the Priorities.

    Looks and Sex:

    I really LOVED the Models, i personally am open to this Anime Style, there was only 1 Model that was a bit too much for me wich was the Mother, i found her Breasts just way too big. Everyone else looke sexy to me and some Characters even really cute. This Game has Females, Futas and Traps and honestly, i looked at every possible one of them, they just looked so good that i took the Risk of maybe looking at something that doesn't suit my taste but guess what, i liked everything. And to be honest, there wasn't alot of weird stuff going on, so if you play the Game, don't worry and take a look at everything.
    You have very sexy Characters and to my surprise, more H-Scenes than i imagined for version 0.2.1. You will definetly be entertained.


    The Story is actually interesting because this Game reverses evereything you see in the majority of the Games on F95Zone, As the Name says, it Twists the World. The Dev keeps the script light and fun, no heavy stuff, no Drama, he isn't trying to sound "wordy". Simple, straight forward writting style. It was fun to read some of the interactions between the Characters, so, please don't just skip everything, this Game can entertain you beyond the Sex.

    This is a VN, not much to say. I like VNs, you just lay back and enjoy.
    But this Game does something very well, wich is the marking of incoming Scenes.
    This Game offers Female, Futa and Traps, the Developer knows that some people are only interested in Female Characters, some maybe just the Futa, so what he did is that everytime there is a decision that needs to be made, (or path choosen) he marks if the Choice leads to a Futa scene, Female scene or Trap scene, very helpful and a big, big Plus for the Developer.

    Renders & Animation:

    The Renders are certainly not the best out there but they are still good.
    What i also like is that there is a good difference between the Models, some Games basically use 2 Models and they just change the size of the Breasts and Haircolor to make different Characters, this Dev puts more Effort into it.

    The Animation is a strong Point in this Game, if you played a few Games from F95, you know that the Tag "Animated" is very vague. Some Games only show you a Sex Scene with like 3 different Renders, some ar only Partially Animated, some just give you 2 Second Loops.
    The Sex Scenes in this Game are fullly Animated! You see both parties having Sex AND the MC climaxing, everything is Animated, very strong Point!

    I believe that for now, this is enough info, what i can tell you is, try the Game, it is easy to play, fun to read and it has enough H-Content for those that just want to play 5 against Willy.

    Good Job Dev.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    5 stars for the workout scene, great concept, idc for futa/gay trap content, but the straight stuff is divine.......................................................................

    I'm writing this with one hand, after pressing the Windows key during gameplay. Gotta go.


    Updated for 0.5 although I doubt someone's reading :

    The situations in this game get me so worked up, I'm surprised nobody has yet made a game where male and female mentality is reversed so that men are the ones that find it hard giving up their junk. This update introduces some nice new characters that I hope we'll see return, although I didn't see the orange haired girl that's present in the phone, also the purple haired chick from the car masturbation scene also isn't present.

    For the next update :

    I need content with fugitive Nora and I need it now ! Also can't wait to be able to live the apartment to explore.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually don't rate a game unless it has a sizable amount of content due to the frequency in which projects are abandoned. I also have categories I include in these reviews. This is an exception to that rule. I love this project so much I have to do something to express it. To find a H game that has a unique concept is rare, but for it to also be good is even rarer. I love Isekai H games. I love the art. I love it. I love all of it. Truly fantastic work.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Twisted World is a perfect game for all you weebs out there.

    Other games go for extreme 3D realism to immerse you, but this game has decided to dive headfirst into the jumbo-sized anime tiddy art style, and IT WORKS. That plus a hint of wonderful traps and futas that will make you question your sexuality, and you can see why twisted world is the weebs game.

    5/5 so far in my books and I can't wait for this game to top the charts.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Lord Valerian

    Though while I do not review many games there is a rare occation I experience such pleasure from playing a game that a review is a must. The trap and futa content is avoidable but I can see plays a large role in the game, though personally I enjoy all of it. I will keep my eye on this game up until the unforseeable future.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    So far so good on this game. It didn't pass my normal filters but I just happened to see it when it was first uploaded so I decided to get it a chance. Here was how I felt about it:

    The Pros:

    - I enjoy most of the characters designs in this story. Even with traps littered prominently throughout, I found plenty of characters that suited my taste. The developer has said that he had 20 traps, 20 futas, and 40 females at least planned for the game. If that ratio stays true then 3/4 of the game will be with females/futa. I think that is plenty if the characters have been to your tastes.

    - Animations are hot, and the scenes were of good quality (at least so far).

    - You aren't forced into any scene with the other 'males' (the only reason they aren't girls is cause they have dicks; can't personally confirm but apparently they have really tiny dicks) nor are you forced into futa content for that matter. I personally am okay with Futas so long as they don't use it on my character, so being able to choose one and not the other is a big plus for me.

    - The story isn't that bad. It's the early stages but the foundation is there and I am interested in seeing how it will go.

    - The Developer has said that he will consider making an all female version depending perhaps on demand. So if you're bothered by the traps and/or futas even being there, maybe that would interest you.

    The Cons:

    - While you can avoid futas and traps, they are pretty connected to the story it seems, and frankly they are hard to tell from other characters. The character I was most hyped for ended up being a trap, walking around with a figure my exes would have killed for (Yes I am talking about Jaiden). Not to mention I worry about whether you fucking futas or you getting fucked by futas will be a one or the other thing and it will be easily telegraphed. I also worry about the diversity of the straight female characters, and whether we will get any smaller and more petite females similar to Jaiden and the other traps. It's too early to say one way or the other but I would be on the lookout.

    - Hearing SnatsGames talk about character popularity, Jaiden seem to be the runaway favorite. Now I am not kink shaming, but this worries me that Jaiden and the traps will take over not only the scenes but the story itself. TW throws Jaiden in your face all the time, and when you turn him down during his scene (or maybe scenes? Don't know didn't watch either trap scene) he seems pretty down. I hope the story doesn't get notably worse just cause I don't go after Jaiden.

    - Though SnatsGames did say they would consider an all-female version, I wonder how likely that would actually happen. We would first have to support financially enough to make it worth it, and then there's the issue of how that would change the world and story. I would settle for a world where all the traps were changed into futas and call it a day. Idk there's also the issue of you would probably get massively outvoted if Jaiden being the most popular says anything.

    - The main character's design bothered me a bit. It's hard to get the feeling of being the only man left in this world when I am only being less feminine then the rest of the boys.

    Overall Thoughts:

    Despite my concerns, my rating hopefully shows that the pros greatly outweigh the cons. What cons exist also can be changed or tweak or straight up made up for. I was very impressed with the potential, models, story, and animations of this game. With consistent updates and proper balance between all three types of characters, this game can go very very far.

    Final Score (as of v.0.2.1): 8/10 GREAT