Ren'Py - Twisted World [v0.1.5 Remake] [SnatsGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Review written having completed all content up to 0.6.

    Art: The art is good but not great, less due to the technical skill of the devs (I quite like the art style) and more due to the insane proportions of some of the female characters. However, at the end of 0.6 in the dev's notes they mention that for 0.7 they are switching animation software and have redesigned several of the characters, so this issue may be fixed by 0.7.

    Story: The story both in the sense of the day-to-day life of the MC and the overarching mystery and plot are very good. Without making hypotheses into future development there are two overarching plots, the first and more prominent is around a war between demons and angels and each side seeking to use the MC to their advantage. The second and more understated is around the mystery of who put our MC into a coma, and why did they do it. In addition to this several characters have their own story arcs.

    Writing: The writing is good but not great. Some spelling mistakes throughout but too few to really bother harping on about. The bigger weakness around the writing is with our MC. We never really know what motivates them, how they feel about the crazy situation they've found themself in and what goals they have. They're more just along for the ride and playing whatever cards their dealt on a moment-to-moment basis.

    Setting: The setting is an alternate reality to our own. Male and Female gender roles are reversed, so men are the 'feminine' ones with women being the 'masculine' ones. In addition to this, sex is hyper-normalized. A virus before the start of the game wiped out all but 20% of the male population so women are very sexually aggressive which has resulted in becoming a protected class and a form of neo-chauvinism taking root in all 'respectable' women.

    tl;dr - men all are femboys, women are mostly all bimbos, and futa's exist

    Additional Notes: Despite the MC being a femboy and futas being present and center in the story, the MC is very much against being on the receiving end. So if you were coming into the game hoping you could both bang and get banged, you're out of luck (as of 0.6).
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is by far my favourite game to date. The scenes and characters are amazingly created, with a wide variety of fetishes, and this game is the first I have seen of the gender reversal genre which I now love. The amount of content has kept me thoroughly entertained and I can't wait for the next update. :)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game, but needs a bit more convenience features.
    - separate scene groups into main and side heroines in the hint app?
    - I couldn't trigger the chastity ring scene because story scenes triggering at midnight kept me from calling the doctor, so some scenes went out of order. Some way of keeping things consistent chronologically?
    Also, some bugs:
    - Hotel prize scene triggered twice.
    - Jazmin cow dream scene is missing
    - After Jeanne comes out of her room, she's in two places at once.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    The lost saint

    Very big game but worth it.
    Only problem is that it was so big I had to delete many things on my computer.
    Otherwise it is very great and the MC is very relatable.
    It griped me and would not let go.
    Very great story and lewd things as well.
    10/10 could be one of the greats of mixed story and lewd games.
    It has a very great potential and I pray for it's success
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Alright, pussy, pussy, pussy!
    Come on in (boi-)Pussy lovers!
    Here at the Twisted World we’re splitting asses in half!
    Give us an offer on our vast selection of pussy, this is a pussy blow out!
    Alright, we got girl pussy, boy pussy, crazy pussy, tanned pussy. We got hot pussy, cold pussy. We got wet pussy. We got smelly pussy. We got hairy pussy, shaved pussy. We got snapping pussy. We got silk pussy, velvet pussy, naugahyde pussy. We even got old pussy, young pussy, boi pussy.
    C'mon, you want pussy, come on in Pussy Lovers!
    If we don’t got it, you don't want it!
    Come on in Pussy lovers!

    but serioully. absolutely great game. only downsides are a rather cumbersome scene hunting navigation (as with so many renpy games) issues which are thankfully mild thanks to an ingame walkthrough that tells you where you need to be, and the ludicrously large tits on some characters, which is a matter of taste.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent perverted sex romp. Some really great work with Koikatsu here too models are all really great looking and the animations are almost universally excellent which is even more impressive given the absurd proportions of some of the characters. The basic plot isn't anything super new: MC's soul is placed back into another person's body and the MC proceeds to fuck his whole family.
    a couple things that set this appart
    1. the gender roles in this new world are flipped on their heads, it's a matriarchal society where women are in charge and men stay at home and cook dinner, it's effective in making what could be a stale idea fresh and leads to some great humor and funny situations. There is a bit of femdom as you may expect but not as much as you would think as the MC is kind of a unicorn in the new world he finds himself in due to his huge cock, insatiable libido and sneaky maledom
    2. as i said above the work with koikatsu is excellent and the sex scenes are almost all pretty hot
    3. for people who are interested there is a good amount of trans/futa/femboy content. That content is avoidable if you aren't interested but you will miss out on about a third of the sexual content
    I'd say its an almost universal recomendation as it's a well done and funny game that has enough vanilla content i think for everyone, as long as you don't mind koikatsu. Strong recommendation for anyone that likes trans/futa/femboy content as there is a good amount of that here
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked the world of this game a lot, i like most of the characters in the game even the femboys.

    But i dont like the massive cock of the MC (all the game is about the MC unnatural cock) and the massive tits and butts of some women
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    quality and story amazing would recommend. this review apparently requires 200 characters. so our protag is very short seem to be the one who starts most encounters. there's lots of humor in the story the characters are all likable. it has the basic kinks futa femboy etc. a lot of the scenes are animated so it feels like your watching a movie. so ya id say its pretty awesome.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game with great animations and great models . Love the big busty female charcters with thick thighs and asses, not a fan of futa stuff but to each his own i guess. Hopefully this game will last a long time.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game Only downside is you really do loose a lot of content if you play Futa/Straight/etc only. This was an eventful 6 hours i will be looking forward to the next arc and all the sandbox/backpack features in the future.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Ver 0.5
    Not big fan of this style of art, dont like the desing of the MC.
    A lot of scenes, fine story, excellent design of personalities and dialogues
    (first game reading everything) solid humor, made me laugh a lot.

    The best porn game I have played
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my absolute favorites, not too quick and not too slow, there is defo some porn logic but it's doesn't take away from the game, I hope some more fetishes are explored in the future too.

    I'm genuinely hoping the game is huge, so I can get a whole lot of time playing it, since that's how much I like it. Looking forward to the full game, I can't wait.

    Edit: I forgot to say, my all time favorite characters are the buff sister and the boxer chick on the T.V, I seriously hope the boxer girl gets a route in the game, I'd love to dom her super hard, maybe she's a secret sub whilst pretending to be a super hardcore women on T.V? It'd be fun to find out.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a great game, nice aesthetic, interesting premise, fetishes I'm into, it was good...

    Right up until the game decided the only value the 'gamer girl' character had was to be physically, psychologically, and emotionally tormented by the MC and the 'fitness girl', over and over. I'm certain there was a 'you deserved it, it was for your own good' looming in the distance from how it was written.

    Completely ruined my interest at that point. Shame, really, the game had potential.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game, and I think it has a lot of potential, but there are certainly some issues with the current version of the game.
    (Pro's are marked "+" and Con's are marked "-")

    Visual Elements:
    + All of the backgrounds appear to be custom-made, which is refreshing considering the amount of times I've played a game with koikatsu renders and had 1 of 3 different bedrooms...
    + Each character has an unique design, and has clearly had a lot of time spent on their model
    - Body Types could use some more variation. Almost every female/futa is either busty or extremely busty (however, even the least busty, would be considered decently well-endowed by real-world standards). All the other "males" in the game are traps, and they look more like transwomen than traps. To the point that all of them have like A/B cup breasts (which is only made even wierder by the fact that the MC is the only male with a flat chest)
    + Despite the fact that koikatsu tends to work better for slimmer body types, the dev has made some impressively luscious babes using it.
    - Unfortunately, sometimes (I assume due to the limitations of koikatsu) the sheer size of tits/ass can cause it to look a little polygonal.
    + The animations in most scenes are very good; much better than what I'm used to seeing from koikatsu renders
    - The POV cam feels a little too rigid; if it was smoother those scenes would look better
    - This is probably a personal nitpick, but the pubic stubble on all the women is a bit of a turn-off for me. Also, freshly shaved shouldn't look like that, but that's how it looks during Nora's scene

    Audio Elements:
    + Music was all good; always a plus when i don't have to mute the game
    - The sound effects are adequate, but they feel generic. The same goes for most of the voice/moaning bits.

    Writing Elements:
    + The world of the story is unique; MC is reincarnated into a world with reversed gender roles for reasons I won't spoil.
    + The characters are fun; despite the fact that I think they could all use a fair bit more depth, I really enjoy how they all interact.
    + The MC might be my favorite protag of any H-game i've ever played; i really enjoy his mischievous side.
    - There is a rather large number of typo's and various grammatical errors. Nothing horrendous, but they are frequent enough to be noticeable.

    Lastly, one lengthy nitpick:
    - The world is depicted as being filled with women who basically just all want to rape men, but despite this what we are given is honestly a rather vanilla, heterosexual-male experience. The MC is almost always the dominant partner, even the scenes that lean towards the female being dominant end with them losing dominance to the MC. Even with the inclusion of Futas + Traps to spice things up, the MC is always on top with both of these types of characters, and the futa's/trap's dick is basically ignored, so they might as well be females. (The major issue here is it feels unrealistic within the world you've created especially since women are made out to be way more sexually predatory than men in the real world, but I also think that this is a missed opportunity to add some real sexual variety to the game.)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Take a society with reversed gender roles, ridiculously exaggerated features, add a sprinkling of futa and men with some luscious bubble butts, then toss in a guy from our world who has been reincarnated/isekai'd as an incubus.

    I spent so much time giggling at the over-the-top humor in the game. It's not preachy at all and manages to feel a lot like our world. The transformation from kinetic novel to sandbox was a bit jarring, but tasks flow smoothly and aren't difficult to follow.

    The heavy use of Japanese shocked eyes (dunno how to describe it, but anime fans will be familiar) was very much appreciated. Looking forward to seeing how this game progresses.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow this is such an amazing game. It ticks so many boxes for me - even though I am not the biggest fan of futa/trap content this game handles it in a way that I find extremely enjoyable. This is one of those rare games that makes me want to come back to it every couple of months.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    very good sandbox style game few things i would fix when they're blushing why does their forhead go red looks like they are mad not blushing the "shocking" face with white eyes just looks stupid wish there was more content with jaden and jeanne
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written, funny and also smart, and very lewd, even if you skip content. If this matches your interests it's a must-get, and I'd urge people to join the Patreon if you enjoyed. This would be five stars just for the writing, the porn is just a bonus!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Only a few minutes in and I'm already hooked fully. Demon chicks, sex-starved lewd chicks, families that fuck, and fembois that I can't wait to see hilt themselves on the absolute beast of a dong the MC has. I'm down bad. Send me to this world next.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    So the premise is that men are socially more like women in our society, and the reverse is so for women. Every guy is shy and sensitive and every woman is an overbearing dudebro.

    Why is the game five stars? Because Darth Vader is canonically Luke's MOTHER in this show. That's hilarious. I want to see where this goes.

    H scenes so far aren't that great, but the art is really good, generally. I like all the characters.