Ren'Py - Simple Days [v0.18.4] [Mega Lono]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Good harem sim for a renpy game, decent updates too. Art is solid, decent replay value always look forward to updates. sound is a bit lacking but pretty good. Storyline is weirdly on point for a porn game, kind of wishing for more skin tones in the girls. have mainly seen white and asian. Need some latinas....
    story is 6/10
    art is 8/10
    sound is 4/10
    sex is 8/10
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    A game with a heavy focus on harem and impregnation fetishes
    The latter is what brought me to this game and unfortunately it does not deliver: all relationships are shallow, girls fall in love with you instantly and there is almost no challenge for the MC. Babys are popping up and I could not care less. The Dev also made a mistake of introducing a hot looking girl, making her flirt with MC and then say that she is off limit
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    The game however still has qualities: girls are unique and beautiful, some scenes are exciting and not boring vanilla stuff. Thus 3 stars
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    There are so many bad things in this game that I could write a book about it. Won't waste my time on that tho so I will simply give positive and negative points for most obvious stuff:
    -2 for dialogues which are absolutely garbage
    -2 for extremely stupid story
    -1 for overall immersion which is partly related to dialogues and story but also to how world here is built, scenes, room sizes, furniture, whole money and time concept, basically so many things are just wrong...
    +2 for multiple girls and variety of them
    +1 for open world format
    -1 for how open world is implemented... hard to track your progress, A LOT of repetitive scenes/dialogues which are just redundant or make no sense at all
    +1 for improved render quality over time
    +0 for sex scenes, not sure about that... there is a lot of sex although it is repetitive so becomes boring quite quickly, video/animations are laggy, the only choice during sex is basically to cum inside or outside and face potential pregnancy later
    +2 for how long it is and how many multiple paths there are
    -1 for MC being dumb
    -1 did I mentioned trashy dialogues and story?

    At the end 4/10... And I enjoyed it more than I should
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    NGL the premise of tricking girls into unwanted pregnancies was kinda hot, but falls short really quick.
    To boot it off - this game is not a VN and pretty much has no story. Writing is very primitive and contains lots of Engrish - which didn't bother me that much, since the narrative isn't even pretending to be remotely serious, i mean you transform from a literal nobody to a successful entrepreneur and a druglord with private thug army in a matter of days, so who cares about poor grammar, misspellings and strange vocabulary - it's all going to be silly either way.
    Player will be met with an obscene amount of repetitive transitions and mundane scenery, that serve no purpose other than extending time spend in game, so It kind of fails to be consistently entertaining as a sandbox. The game can't boast breathtaking visuals overall, but some renders are straight up hideous, and most animations are laughable and would be better off replaced with a slide show. Characters have somewhat varied, beliavable and attractive personalities, but nothing inspirational. When you move to a different fictional state, you enter the game's second phase and are given a choise between sandbox mode and VN mode. Both are equally tedious, and no, VN does not provide better quality script. At least sandbox gives more player agency so i'd stick with that.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Not YrBroom

    Played season 1 for a while. Lots of tedious clicking through days with no events, and choices that don't seem to matter. There are multiple LIs in your phone, but most of the time none of them will answer your call anyway.

    Skipped ahead to season 2 only to find more of the same. Take the bus or the metro to work? Who cares, nothing happens either way Buy a you get pointless screens of driving back and forth instead.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I like the premise of this game but the dialogue and grammar are mostly horrible, atrocious, and sometimes I feel like the dev doesn't even try to learn English at all. Pregnancies are very short and the sandbox system for chapter two is janky as hell. Not bad, not good, just a pure unfiltered jankiness. This is one of those games that needs bugfixing and remastering as the main priorities.

    But I gotta applaud the bravery of Mega Lono for putting some copyrighted content inside his game, something that I thought I would never see outside of Eternum (it has Samsung phones and a Lamborghini car, if you're curious).
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Not sure what I would want to rate about this higher than 1*.
    It combines the worst parts of every kind of VN.

    You have whorish characters that constantly talk about other guys.
    The same that trick you into pregnancies, doing porn, cheating on your best friend ...
    And of course literal prostitutes.
    And if you don't like at least one of them: game over.

    Then there is the "gameplay"
    You klick yourself to death every in-game day to go around meaningless repetitions of daily tasks.
    Of course with inbuild timers to prolong the awesome experience even further.
    And since ever so often one of the renders changes ever so slightly, the skip gets interrupted.

    The MC is... ok.
    Too young for my liking, and with a really dumb face, but manageable.
    But that doesn't mean I want to spent 80% of in-game time watching him alone, half naked, doing nothing.
    But that's what you get.
    At least watching him use the toilet etc. is shippable.

    Since I didn't like any of the w... LIs, I can't say anything about the later game, because that is only accessable if you choose one of them.

    All in all wasted time I could have used to watch grass grow, or paint dry.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    On of the best Harem game I've played. The plot, rendering, music, sound effects, all these are well-made. Keep up the good work, Please!!

    Personally, AT chapter 2 , I recommend stronly to choose Sand back type play,
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm genuinely unsure as to how people can rate this as 5 stars. There's a part of me that thinks 2 stars might be too much, but I don't feel I can actually justify 1 star.

    The biggest issue by far is the writing. Between weird translations (suddenly referring to penises as "big brother" and dialogue that bounces all over the place, it just really breaks any immersion you might get. An example is your interactions with Maria. During her route, you can talk with her about how you want to have kids. Multiple kids. 10 kids or gtfo. Then, when you start having sex with her in your office, she clearly is trying to get knocked up. And the MC freaks out about cumming inside her, asking if it's safe and wanting to cum in her mouth instead to avoid pregnancy. If I tell a woman that I want to have 10 kids with her, why would I freak out about her wanting to get pregnant? There's also a part where a girl you have had sex with MULTIPLE times comes into your room to talk at night, and you cover up and act embarrassed that she might see your dick. Makes no sense.

    Now I do understand this is a porn game, but the problem there is that the porn isn't that great either. Sex scenes are super choppy, some last 4 renders, others are a bit longer. Also, and this is personal preference, but of the like 15 woman you can fuck, I find maybe 3 or 4 actually attractive.

    All in all, give this a pass. If you have ABSOLUTELY nothing else to do, this will kill time, but there's plenty of better stuff out there for that.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Twisted Dreamer

    This game is Crazy!! The way I see it is 1.0 is a finished game so 0.18.2 should be 18.2% completed but the amount of content here is truly insane I kept thinking I had reached the end ready to release a review because the characters keep breaking the 4th wall saying stuff like "in the next game update you will see more from me" but then I play 10 more minutes and see that next update so yeah BIT confusing I've just moved into the mansion now and it forces you out of VN mode and into sandbox and now I've decided it is time to leave a review I will continue playing this but I've been playing weeks now and think I've experienced enough to review...

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    • The graphics are the going rate for these kinds of games so nothing note worthy
    • The characters are great, each character is like a different kink/fetish and you can choose if you want them in your life or never see them again, not to go into too much detail but for example of fetish choice through characters you have a woman where her partner is a cuckold, one where you cheat with a different woman behind their partners back, one with a kinky nympho who wants threesomes and all sorts, you have your innocent girls, you have a girl who will worship you, BDSM characters, there's this one stupid girl in a cult that thinks your cum is magic... The list goes on, the amount of choice is crazy
    • You start the game in a sort of VN style and then you get to choose if you want to keep it as a VN or have it as Sandbox but as soon as you buy a new house it puts you into Sandbox
    • I can't get over how much content there is, this game gets you to keep coming back for more once you download it's like never ending
    • You get to start a family have multiple spouses have children (LOTS) you get to name most of them if you want you get to choose what women are in your life some are required I believe like I tried to play without Dora in one play through but you can't move to chapter 2 without her being kidnapped I believe but a lot of the content and women do seem optional
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    i'm here to jack off

    i was skeptical of this game at first but god is it a great game,
    you can go sandbox style or VN style so both party can enjoy it.
    the renders can look janky at times but it didnt make me enjoy the game any less, zara is best girl and i hope more content for her
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the way the game is going and there are lots of things to like. I'm particularly fond of the fact that you can impregnate and have kids with all of the ladies. Speaking of which, there's a good variety of them. Having said that, the game is currently a mess. Way too much grind and I think the decision of making it VN or sandbox in chapter 2 was a poor choice. Dev should have just sticked to one.

    I hope this game gets better, it's very promising. Looking forward to impregnate all girls and having a bunch of kids!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a pregnancy lovers dream game. There is plenty of sex, plenty of pregnancies, and kids galore. What stands out though is every woman is unique and has different motivations which makes the game enjoyable and makes the scenes that much better.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good harem game. Story pretty good as far as most AVN's and harem AVN's go. Dev could really use a good editor and or proof readers. One major thing that sticks out is the constant use of "uugghh" which is used to voice displeasure or disgust. Seems the slang "umm" would be more appropriate use to fill a pause or hesitation when the person is speaking. Another issue is the use of the rhythm method or natural family planning method to calculate or avoid pregnancy. Ovulation is 1-4 days. My MC impregnated several women in the harem 10 before ovulation and 10 days after. When used properly the rhythm method has a 95 percent chance of avoiding pregnancy. Some might not see it as a big deal, but it kind of bugs me after spending my entire adult life in the medical field. It's a sandbox type game which makes it grindy, but the grind is not that bad. I ground it out pretty hard in one play through as I was greedy and wanted a ton of money. I look forward to further developments of this AVN. Thanks dev for sharing it with us.
    Addendum: Tag shows anal, had anal with Moko if you play chapter one in hometown, she later asks if you like anal and you can say yes but there is never anymore anal sex in the game so far. Also Anna and Dora both give you blowjobs in chapter one but never again. Moko, Rebeca and Alina will give you blowjobs but no other girls do.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't see any problem with this game, can sometimes be grindier and repetitive ? Yes, but at least the story flows normally, money is not hard to get, multiple girls to choose. In overrall is very good.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Alex zone

    This is a really great game. The story is interesting, and the models are gorgeous.

    The models are gorgeous, and the environments are nice as well. For me 8/10

    Animation there are good. For me 8/10

    It's an interesting story and makes a woman pregnant. It is so hot. (Personally, I like harems and pregnancies.) For me 100/10

    Characters are beautiful, and they have their own personalities. Especially Paola For me 9/10

    Overall 9.5/10 For me
    Simple Days is a game worth playing, in my opinion. Paola is so cute. I really love her.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game.
    The story is good enough, h scenes are ok. In this game you can choose sandbox or VN mode - you can choose either you want. That's a big +1 point.
    As for the girls, their story's: For me, personally...... I just like them. Maybe they or their dialog could be written more well, with longer time for us to get them to "like" us (MC), spent more time to get to know each other, slowly progressing (Not that slow but still a little slower). As i played the game, for me it was like: "I just meet some girl, clicked my mouse to forward the dialog and boom.... sex. just like that."

    I'm more of a romantic type :)KEK:) and something like slowly building a relationship is a must for me in most games with tags "romance".

    I like it here, but it could be better :)
    Overall nothing is perfect so i'll give this game full 5 stars.

    (English is not my native language and my brain translation work poorly on 1PM after almost 18h without sleep.... And no.... It's not because I polished my "dagger" for 18h unfortunately :cry:
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    As the name says it's a simple game with average renders. There is not much story here. Simple sandbox in first season. Each you call a girl and fuck her and progress. You can fuck any girls without consequences and breed them. Some choices will end their path. You can also have single girl ending. But for season 2 simple sandbox was changed and now have to click on many points. But we can choose vn mode but it is also kinda boring. Wished mechanism was like in season 1.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. Harem, lots of creampies/pregnacy, netori (cucking other men), breeding dirty talks, perfect combination for me.
    Renders are decent, lots of different LI's, although i would like to see some MILF's.
    Music/sfx is there, on good level. Animations are ok, some are clunky, others are pretty good.
    Captivating story - gangs, politics, buisness, impregnating. Each LI have unique story and character.
    MC is cool, big dick chad, not some weak wimp, i like it.

    Cons: sandbox mode is grindy, some choices have not obvious outcomes.

    I would like to see some build-in walkthrough in the game, it would be much easier, especially if you made wrong choice and have to load previous save and grind again and again.

    Overall 5/5, keep up good work, looking forward for more updates.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Just replayed this as of v0.18.3.
    And even though i still think its a good game the start is awfull, if you dont either try to steal your best friends girl or want a prostitute or a porn actor then your shit out of luck and it will be game-over? i mean seriously what kind of choices is that, i dont want a fucking whore or a freaking porn actor, and risk killing your friendship with the best friend is no go, so you reach an ending that way and its game-over, thats the most shitty thing ive ever seen in any game truely, granted i lowered my revew with 2 star since i still like it from chapter 2 but dev seriously fucked up the first chapter with the choices of girls and not having a single normal girl to pick, other the Anna but theres 0 romance or dating her it goes stright to sex which i dont really care for so she was out as well.

    And alot of stuff is messing up in chapter 2 as well, like when you get the naighbor pregnant she talks about MC having alot of girls around him when hes living alone so thats a huge fail, next MC tells her he will buy a bigger house so theres room for everyone? and all the kids? he has no one not a single girlfriend and he has 0 kids, so story truely fucks up due to dev not making routes and dialogs fit with choices.

    Old/first review below.
    Well this is a rare gem, story is petty good and has some fun parts on top of it, MC is a greedy MOFO who wants all the girls and couldent care less if they have a boyfriend or if they are married, on top of that he loves making them all pregnant and this is where its a rare gem, pregnancy showing big a belly and all that, only small issue is that not eveyone has a sex scene while pregnant but some do.

    I loved the gang part as well and wouldent have minded it to go on and take over the pill market and maybe even the BDSM club for MC him self, could have been a fun path, but apprently that wasent a part of the plan for the game, going into politics feels meh and boring compared taking over the club.

    Game even has a virgin maybe two not sure yet, but the one virgin scene was nice and it was a deflower scene to make it perfect, also showed blood so they did a great job on this part as well.

    You even have the option to do novel style or sandbox, i went with sandbox and i enjoyed it, no realy grind and it felt fun and easy, only problem is when your near the end of the content there will be a shitload of clicking to skip just a single day and you might need to skip 30 days to reach the point you want, but all in all its good and has an easy walkthrough page within the game.

    Story 5/5
    I enjoyed it and loved most of it, even though i wished it had some more fun paths late in game.

    Girls 3/5
    It was a toss up between 3 and 4 stars since i liked some of them but most arent really pretty to look at in my eyes, so it had to round it down.

    Animations 4/5
    Not the best ive seen but above average and there is alot of them, so really a good job on this part to.

    Music 3/5
    Mostly just a standard background music, not mood setting but alot better then a silent game.

    Choices 5/5
    I do belive you can pick and choose who ever you want a relationship with, so nothing will be forced upon the player, i havent truely tested this out but ive seen alot of choices that would end a girl route.

    Sandbox 4/5
    Ive seen alot worse, this feels good and easy to use and without big grinds, mostly skipping many days will get annoying, and it could really use a skip week button.

    Even though i scored this a little low in some areas, i still feel its worth all 5 stars due to the rarity of having such a good pregnancy content.