Unity - Raid!!! ~The Pink Conspiracy~ [v2.0] [Bubble Gums]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    As the star rating says, "poor"

    The gameplay is very boring, repetitive and doesn't seem to change at any point. I played for about 30 or 35 minutes and stopped, because there was simply nothing to hold me in the game, I got bored very quickly. The map design looks nice at first, but it doesn't change any more than that, becoming repetitive over time, And the music is simple, probably 2 or 3 beats at most. For me, it didn't bother me, but I was expecting something more than something you can do in 5 minutes on a music producer. The camera is strange and I didn't like it very much, it's too fast even when you slow it down, and the game seems to be badly optimized, since even at a reduced resolution I must not have passed 30 fps, and I have a minimally decent pc.

    Apart from that (which is most of everything), the character design is cute, her body reminded me a bit of the art of a Danganronpa character, her face is a middle ground between cute and weird, but I liked it, and the Menu music is good, I liked it. The H-Scenes, which are just game over screens, are well done at best, although it's a simple movement and a loop, as far as I could see there are 3 or 4 variations of the game over, and there's no in-game animation, other than a game over, so if this is the kind of game you're looking for, don't even try it.

    I was between Average and Poor, but personally I thought Poor would fit in more, because that's what it really is, it's a poor game with a lack of content in general, I don't know if this is a demo or a game still in development, but you can see that there is potential in the game or in the creator, since his second (or first) game has more than 500 purchases, 100 ratings and 4 stars (not here, but on his DLSite), and looking at the images, it seems to be a great game and I will definitely play it.

    And I think that's all there is to it! I'm interested to see any updates on the game.