Unreal Engine - Abandoned - Project Elimination: The Forbidden Planet [Test version v0.55] [MATEYDEV]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Nothing to see here but boring hallways with barely any content. What little there is is well-done, but you'll just be lost wandering very slowly in nicely rendered but drab corridors, and there appears to be only one enemy kind.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Johanna Jane

    Graphics look pretty nice, but the animations can be a bit "stiff" at times. The environment in particular is quite good and sets the tone well. The main character walks like she has a stick up her ass, and she annoyingly covers her boobs with her arm when she's nude.

    The gameplay has a lot of problems. The main character seems quite weak, dies easily, and has no defenses other than an awkward and difficult-to-use "dodge" maneuver. This leads to frustratingly dying over and over again and having to restart.

    The layout of things is confusing and not very fun to navigate.

    Honestly, I just didn't enjoy this much, but maybe it will improve, who knows.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Note: I'm reviewing the game in its current state (Test version 0.55) and using it as a litmus test to gauge how good I think the game will be in a more complete state. I'm not rating it based on how much "potential" I think it has, because I think looking at the current quality of the game and predicting its future based on that criteria is more useful.

    The good:
    • Game looks good and runs well on my system.
    • Protagonist is sufficiently attractive, which unfortunately isn't as common as it should be.
    • Animations are blended well and there's very little jittering or jarring movement, with the exception of the jump which looks awful but is forgivable IMO.
    • Sex animations look pretty good. I'm more of a pixel art kind of guy but this is well above average for this genre.
    The bad:
    • Little consideration given for common sense game design. Game starts you facing right, as you might expect if you've played other 2D sidescrollers, but to reach the first proper area of the game you're actually expected to head LEFT towards an elevator that's off-screen from your starting point. Heading right just leads you down an elevator and into a bunch of dead ends requiring keys you don't have.
    • The game world is a chore to navigate. It's littered with dead ends, elevators with 15 second travel times litter the map, doors require you to hold down the activate key to open them instead of opening automatically and I've had enemies respawn on me within seconds of clearing them out. You mostly just slowly walk around, occasionally hopping over a gap or up a staircase made of clutter, and that's it.
    • Areas simply aren't visually interesting, nor are they particularly distinct from one another.
    • As far as I can tell there's no in-game map system, but I got bored and quit after half an hour or so, so it's possible you unlock one later.
    • Inventory is too minimalist for my liking. It was clearly designed to be easy to activate and use in any situation, and it only takes up a tiny chunk of the screen, but as a result it usually takes me a while to find what I'm looking for or use the item I want since a lot of them re-use icons and they need to be clicked on to bring up a proper description.
    • Combat is boring. Walk up to enemy, swing a few times, enemy dies. The game has a stamina and dodging system but there aren't any situations that really require their use, especially since most enemies can just be stun-locked to death very easily.
    • Pretty much nothing in the way of story or context for the events of the game.
    Given all of this I think 2 stars is fair. At the end of the day I just think this game fails from the outset. If it's trying to deliver a solid PORN game experience then I think it fails because I'm basically forced to drag my balls across broken glass to reach the sex. If it's trying to deliver a solid porn GAME experience then I think it fails because the actual gameplay is well below average, even among other 2D adult sidescrollers like Zell's games.

    I understand why people would be awestruck by the visuals given the kind of trash we're subjected to around here on a daily basis, but I don't think Project Elimination deserves 4 or 5 stars. I just don't think it's very fun or worth it in its current state, and if future updates maintain the current level of quality I don't see myself ever giving it another chance.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    hell yeah this is good, its like the enhanced version of Eve. Nice! I cant find the other ending aside from the 3P and the reptitive capture animation for 2.

    But hell yeah this is nice.

    need 200 more words soo..... well, i kinda wish the E would require less tappy, its not a boss so just chill out on that
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This one is a great one to watch. I have high hopes for this one because the demo is clean and enticing. Not much but as the Dev outlined, demo only and one of the best demo only games I've seen like this come through. Really love this game and the art and animations are solid.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game looks to have great potential and it reminds me of my favorite, Parasite in City. It does resemble Eve more, but I am biased and would rather it steered towards the first. I will update this as the game develops. I think.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is in super early stage and does not have more than 5 min of content. Despite this the gameplay is fluid and the initial quality of animations looks promising. It is very close to AQE in gameplay and ambience (which is neither a good or bad thing) and the dev is active, this is the type of game I'm glad I clicked despite the mediocre rating.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I decided to give this game a fair shot, so here are my thoughts:
    -The 3D models are a bit better than most games on this site. Not the worst, but leaning a bit too far into the uncanny valley for my liking.
    -Sex positions are pretty wonderful. The 2P ones in particular are standout

    I don't think this game is doing enough on its own merit to warrant much praise. "Potential" is the word I'm seeing thrown around here a lot, but as of now the game hasn't done much to impress me.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, for a demo that's amazing.
    It looks great, but there are problems in settings. Firstly, fullscreen is actually a maximized window, so resolution is rather funky. Secondly, there are only like 5 or 6 options and they are all affecting just the effects, it lacks some real options like antialiasing.
    Animations are strange, some of them are OK and fluent, others are completely stiff.
    Gameplay is...well, let's hope that it's just a demo and it is going to be better.
    Overall, it kinda looks like there is a big potential, but I've seen a lot of great demos that were just abandoned and developers doing absolutely nothing and spoiling their game after they get great amounts of money.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    As others have said it's a bit early to judge critically but people do like to check reviews before trying and the Dev might appreciate my feedback.

    First, the game has a lot of potential. The models look great, the Animations are pretty good, and this is the first unreal game i've downloaded from this site that hasn't killed my ten year old computer.

    That being said this is a demo and there are issues that need to be addressed going forward. If not, the project will probably crash and burn. There are 7 animations so far. Two if caught standing, four if caught knocked over, and one if you game over. The first two are easy, as is the last one. However, the knocked down ones are tricky.

    To get knocked over you have to jump into their projectiles. Sound easy until you realize that the projectile doesn't move at a set arc. Instead, it locks onto you at the moment that the projectile appears. Because of this, if you jump as the animation starts, it hits the ceiling. If you jump after the projectile appears, it hits the ground. To get it to knock you over you have to move forward after the projectile appears and then jump. Even then, the RNG for the animations triggering is even worse as out of 30 attempts and 15 successes, I have seen the missionary 13 times and the Doggystyle twice.

    Another big issue right now is I frames or the lack there of. There are no I-Frames and so if you are fighting multiple guys and just break free of one, the others can insta grab you before you can react.

    As I said the game has great potential going forward, but there are some issues at the moment.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The problem with reviewing games at this early stage of development is that it's always a gamble to give an high scorig...

    -Is the gameplay good?
    It's too early, but yes.
    -Are the outline mechanics good and fitting?
    It's too early, but yes.
    -Does it look good?
    -Is the environment, audio and settings any good?
    -It's fun to play?
    It's too early, but yes.

    In the end, it has potential? Yes.

    There isn't much more to tell, the game is a pretty straight forward side scroller action, with an horror/tension underline as the sound design (very above average, even for completed project), the environments and the lighting sell it that way. There is only one tipe of enemy with a good bunch of animation and, unlike almost all of the counterparts, no active gameover: something I like a lot, expecially the part when "loosing" will supposely have an actual impact on the character and her effectiveness in combat later on when the development will be more fleshed out, this can be deduced by a series of status effects that the player gets after the scene...

    I've been following this guy for sometime now and and I find myself wondering how the hell he doesn't have like 2500 patrons right now...he is one of the few creators (actually I don't know of others but I suppose there are) that are putting out quality stuff on the action / horror / space-monsters themed adult genre.

    so, fuckit, let's give it 5 stars and see how it evolves.