Unity - Panthea Act 2 [v0.6.7 Cracked] [Leave2gether]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Panthea Act 2 is one of the good old Patreon scams. They've barely made any updates in the last 3-4 years since they started and they are still milking what few subscribers they have left. It had a lot of promise but the devs clearly have no intention of going anywhere with this game or updating much more beyond the bare minimum to keep people hooked. Sad 1/10 rating.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played and would be perfect if it wasn't so confusing in terms of quests.I have not seen better made scenes than in this game, a maximum of 4 more games with not bad scenes come to mind, but they still fall short. If you know games with the same quality scenes, please tell us about them
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    on of the best game never see . very nice graphic,
    the texts are well written, the first version of the game was already incredible,
    the characters are good,
    It would be nice to add the scenes from the old game, especially the work in the office, with the new graphics it would be incredible the result.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Stupid fucking site wants a 100 paragraph review, so here: Slow progress, slow game, clanky, art isn't even that hot, all while the creator is getting more than 5k a month doing nothing. Old game sucked with flash but this one is absolute doghit.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    While the art style is nice and the animations are pretty good, it is very grindy and lakes a cohesive story. In order to unlock scenes (if you actually play the game and don't just use the gallery) you must follow a walkthrough as there is no in-game clues as to what to do next.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Summary: Classic game series with incredible art that improved insanely since the dev first started in their previous Act 1 game. But all of it is bogged down by the wild release schedules.

    Leave2gether has been around for a long time. With their Act 1 game being a flash game developed almost a decade ago. As a result, many people will have this devs game somewhere in their younger years if they were around long ago. Its very rare to see a dev still at it for so long so that is admirable.

    But lets talk about Act 2. You follow the daily life of Casey who is a Terran (human) girl. She gets into a few wild and spicy scenarios that leads to your typical sex and other things. Nothing really special about the story. Other than it has a lot of anthro characters and more beasty things than not. If thats not your cup of tea, you're not going to like this game. You're a waitress at a bar whos main objective is to make the bar popular.

    The art for the game is amazing. Leave really used to make some absolutely shit artwork, but they clearly improved dramatically over time to now being one of the most beautiful 2d games on the market. Truly its cool to see someone improve like that, especially now we are in the dawn of "ai artists" who would never dare to learn to get better. The animations are crisp, fluid, and nothing looks out of place. Its just overall a good artstyle and contributes greatly to the scenes.

    Gameplay is absolute dogshit. You have to trigger certain events by some grinding and being in the right place for said events to trigger. Its really boring and I don't know why they didn't learn from their last game which is also incredibly boring. Just doesn't make sense other than to make it seem like the game is much longer than it is. I find myself more tempted to get full saves or use the patreon benefits than to grind this.

    And now for the whole reason as to why I rated it 2 stars. The dev is terrible at content release. Period.

    This series of games has been around for nearly 10 years. TEN years. That is a long time. First it was Act 1 where releases were somewhat regular. And then slowly over time they just got longer and longer until eventually you'd be lucky to hear a peep from the dev in a span of 3 months. Then Act 2 was developed because Flash was being demolished from the internet, and the same patterns of behavior are happening. This game first came out in I believe late 2019. We are almost FOUR years since the initial release. There are barely over 20 scenes in the game. Just as a prime example, this thread was updated with the 6.5 build which released in APRIL. That is 3 months ago. Would you expect some kind of info on their next build? Nope! Its just sketches and drawings all across their patreon without an semblance of progress reports, release schedules. Etc etc. And thats the main issue. This dev will go away and make no progress for months all while raking in thousands of dollars a month (you could see how much they were making before patreon hid the value). Act 1 wasn't even ever completed. It was just left to rot because they couldn't use flash anymore.

    Even this most recent update in 6.5 reused a scene from ACT 1 as a new scene. Its just pathetic how little effort is being put in for the level of money this dev is taking in. I've watched it happen over the course of many years and its just tiring seeing such potential and skill falling to the typical patreon grifting that runs rampant in this community.

    Play this game as its good. But don't expect it to be even remotely complete within the next 10 years.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Played this for an hour 30 min and there was no sex at all. Very grindy slow and linear art looks good but gameplay is painstakingly boring and repetitive. Honestly only worth looking at the gallery not worth playing
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    leave2gether was the very first xgame i played i really enjoyed and i think they are doing great work. Its animations are great, the imagination and the progress of Casey is also great. Updates are slow but 100% worth it. Poster keep it up.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    - Good Art style

    - Good Writing, I actually like the characters. In most of these games the characters are relegated to troupes rather than being people. The Writers are actually good at writing well thought out characters with great dynamics.

    - Good Characters, like I said for a porn game the characters are actually really good. My favorite so far is Otto, the nice store clerk. Most if not all of them feel like real people.

    - Excellent animations and sex scenes. The sex scenes are A1, especially for a porn game. Just about all of them will leave you nut busting lol.

    - Extremely repetitive. Like others have said you mostly just balance your moods like sims and go to work for money. (Lol I came to get away from irl not replay it when I'm home)

    - Linear gameplay: One thing I like about these games is the ability to pretty much do what you want at any given time. But this one has just about one route and one route only it's hard to really not feel like a long slog to get to where you want.

    Overall: It's definitely a work in progress, I like the originality and the world itself. I'd say give this game a shot, because trust me I've played worse.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    cool game with very nice animations and good situations, qualiuy dialog with great humor, need a better walkthrought and a capacity to change clothes but very great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Game looks good, but the ui is fucking awful, and the actual gameplay is shit. Like 0/5 shit. All you do is balance between arriving to work on time, eating and some interactions that arent that good.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    The game looks very good, but the gameplay leaves a bad impression.
    How to make progress is almost not clear, some scenes are repeated several times. If you make the gameplay more understandable and less repetitive, the game will be very good. I don't recommend playing it at the moment, it's better to wait for updates.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good game, it's very early in development, the updates are very slow and there is several things that certainly need an improvement but, if furry male on human female is your thing, this game certainly deserve at least a try.
    Now, something that you need to be careful is with the Casey's job, the game gives no hints whatsoever on how to progress and if you don't make any progress early in the game it will feel like an endless grind.
    First, talk to Tuna (Casey's co-worker) about the free drink at the end of the shift, this will allow Casey to show her ass to the customers and earn extra tips when you choose the free drink.
    Second, once Vault reaches 5 in popularity, you have to talk to Lana, she will introduce the "Special Care" strategy that will increase Vault's popularity even further and make Casey earn even more money. This "Special Care" can only be triggered if you choose the free drink option and all 3 animated customers are at Vault.
    Finally, do not complain to Dave about Arnie's behavior, this will make Vault less popular, you should also not spend your money on coffee early in the game, you can rest in bed before you go to work to lose the Tired status and while you have the Broke status you will always have the minimum 10 productivity to work.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    More of the same from the first game. Which means it's grindy, not very functional, and when it comes to most of the sexy stuff... very much not my thing.
    Majority of the sex scenes are all very similar in some way or another. Even if they're not all the same kind of sex, it's pretty much exclusively just dom/top furry male on sub/bottom human female stuff. There are some exceptions but that tends to be the "dominant" theme, if you'll excuse my bad pun. The lesbian cunnilingus is a nice exception, but then you have a scene that starts lesbian, gets interrupted by this... annoying fucking cat thing, and if you get him away the scene just ends, at least in the gallery.
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Eepy Poss

    Great animation, great style, I love the concept of it all and the world setting we're given. Unfortunately it's kinda ruined by the excessive grind it has now. Sure it may be subject to change but its essentially the same way the first game was so I doubt too much of it is going to be fixed.

    Each quest that allows you to progress further in the game requires a certain set of factors to all line up. For example, in order to give Dave a handjob and essentially get out of the tutorial and proceed with the rest of the game you need to get Dave to 10 affection. 2 of the 5 days you work he's found in the lounge so you can't get any affection with him and if you don't have the right patrons in the bar the other 3 days you also once again can't do anything to gain affection. This ends up making it so you're stuck at the beginning just at the end of the tutorial for literally weeks getting 1 or 2 affection with Dave whenever possible. This is also while balancing your status by spending money on food and coffee because you need 10 productivity at least in order to work.

    Money is also a major issue if you're not cheating it in. Tuna always has a chance to steal your customers which reduces the money you make by an extreme amount. You have to keep a stock of food at home for you and Lana which is relatively expensive. Lana at least helps out once a week or so and buys some snacks and coffee which is useful considering coffee is required to work in order to have the productivity needed to work. It's just an endless loop of struggling to keep up with costs while trying to get further in the game.

    All this combined with a relatively clunky menu makes for a pretty shitty time. I could only tolerate it while high and didn't care I was wasting my time but otherwise it really is a slog to go through. Sure the animations are great but the grind is a pretty big turn off. I'd rather just see the gallery but even then the gallery, just like the first game, isn't quite 100% there and functioning. I believe its the most current patreon only scenes that arent found in there even if a patreon code/crack is used.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the animations and characters. Thats one thing they can really do well.

    The development is pretty slow in my opinion, that the downside.

    This game has potential, but they gonna work and listen a bit to the community.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    The Sexy Chinaman

    Good art with a decent premise. A few issues that are to be expected with an early build. Namely, you don't always know exactly how to progress. There's a walkthrough linked in the game though so it's not too bad. Hopefully gets ironed out in future builds as there's more content added.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I loved the first game, the creator was soo creative and made a good job, the story, the scenes and the characters was soo original, and now, well, looks like a generic furry game, you don't care about story, the characters are very poor and take soo much time for appear the first scenes, well, I strong suggest you wait the updates, but it's not a game I suggest you hype or wait anything new.

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