Unity - Completed - Pachi Pachi On A Roll Unleashed [Final] [Dolores Entertainment]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I was looking for a game like this for a while. As a pachinko game, it's pretty good. There's no real direction, but you can just experiment and see what happens. It's pretty dynamic, with minigames and whatnot. The art is good. It's very colorful and pleasant.

    It can be very challenging. At least I think it is, I'm not totally sure what I'm supposed to be doing.

    As far as lewdness goes, it's pretty minimal. There's mostly partial nudity and a bit of full nudity and that's about it. Still, pretty nice little game.
    Likes: Akkta
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    As a time-waster, it's good for about a half-hour tops, provided you really want to see what each level has to offer (and the screenshots provided aren't compelling enough for you). The best compliment I can give it is that it at least gives you something nice to look at between waiting 10-30 seconds between ball drops; inversely, the worst complaint I have is some of the missions are nigh-impossible to complete fully... for example, the game isn't based around any sort of physics, so any time you drop a ball in any given location, it takes the same route every single time unless something (e.g.: a satellite or black hole) diverts its intended course. This makes pin-hitting missions incredibly frustrating most of the time, since you can try every single drop position, and there will always be one or two pins that you just cannot hit barring some sort of divine intervention.

    The overview of the game is pretty poor as well, since it's not a "fun mix of pachinko and pinball"—it literally is just a slow game of pachinko on a massive board with tiny unlockable and mostly unrepsonsive mini-games in each respective level including Breakout (western), pinball (space) and... I dunno, one of those "Lovu Lovu" games from Team Tailnut (fantasy)? Is there a technical name for those—scratch that, I don't care. On that note, nothing really tells you how to play the mini-games so if you find yourself getting frustrated because your Breakout or pinball games end immediately, you need to use the left and right mouse buttons to move or control the respective sides. Yeah, good luck finding any explanation of that in-game.

    Could I have reduced this review into two or three sentences? Probably.
    Do you, the reader, deserve to know what you're getting into? Definitely.
    Are you going to find yourself getting addicted to this game? I doubt it.