VN - Ren'Py - Lost at Birth [Ch. 9 CE Part 2] [V19]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    [Ch 9 CE Part 2]

    Sadly one of the biggest disappointments I had in a long while...

    In terms of quality it is awesome. Renders are perfect, the world, scenery, characters, sex scenes, everything is just right.

    In terms of story and gameplay? So fucking dissapointing... Game from the start gives player ilussion of choice and then hits player's head with a brick of reality. It doesn't really matter if you choose to be perverted or carying father because at the end you will be forced to have sex with your (probably) daugher multiple times anyway. It also doesn't matter if you will be dominant or submissive, you will get promoted and forced to fuck your boss anyway.

    It is so fucking annoying, the thing I hate most in AVNs is illusion of choice. Because of dev's failing to make decissions meaningful, MC looks like beta who does the opposite of what he wants/thinks or does what others tell him. He spams with thoughts like "oh, I will not do this or that because it is not right" but on next scene he does the opposite, already fingering/kissing/gropping/fucking Kailey, what is the point of that? Same goes with his female boss, at the end of a day he is submissive and plays her game anyway. His relation with wife is also annoying as fuck, he knows how bad heavy drinking is yet he allows her to do it. Meanwhile he tells everyone how unhappy he is, spams thoughts about how bad her drinking is and when he opens his mouth to say something, all he can say is "yes hun, of course hun, love you hun" and basically allowing her to push him around.

    The worst thing is that, as I said, quality is really great even including dialogues (quality-wise, not content-wise) so the story and false sense of the importance of made decisions dissapoints even more. There are tons of shitty games in here and I couldn't care less, I'm mad when I see game with great potential wasted.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is quite good, the models are quite good and the scenes and erotic situations are quite hot. There is no persistent blueballing or endless teasing. There is plenty of scenes in the game so far.

    The only complaint is that I wished the different scores of the game love/care/corruption actually lead to alternative scenarios or scenes. So far they appear to be only cosmetic. And according to the dev the game only has 4-5 updates before its completion so there isn't time left to introduce variety of variable scenes.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I think it's a pretty decent game overall. There are times I feel like it's going overboard though, like with Cassidy and her behavior. She is hot enough as a model but her presentation kind of ruins it. She might be call herself a serial monogamist but let's be real she is a slut. I didn't want to be number 200 so I bypassed her content. Her first scene sets the stage for her character which she follows pretty consistently. The whole "surprise! I found a virgin for you" was just bad overall I thought. I'm sure a bunch of players liked her but I found it irritating more than anything.

    It's even sillier that the MC turns to her when he starts having feelings for Kailey. I was like "wtf? who would call a sex nut like Cassidy for advice about how to deal with feelings for his daughter?". Worse he lets Cassidy find her a job in what looks like a sex club for people willing to pay. The BDSM room isn't some random room after all. The stories outside of Kailey/Mc are what makes the game average. It's very porny and silly really. It also feels really dumb considering what happened at the former job. Whatever the story I also found it weird he has a problem with Cassidy offering to get her a job, in other words he is suspicious. He should be because she is a freak. However he gets over it right away and tells Kailey she should think about it after Kailey says Cassidy is "sus". Is it the only job to serve alcohol to men in a sex club? Apparently it is.

    The drunk wife is just treading water for me. I guess she is there for early sex scenes and some drama later. I found her cuddling with the MC's daughter between her legs kind of weird and later she touched her ass. I hope it won't end up with drunk mom figure doing threesomes for content. That's just me though.

    I think the game accomplishes what the main point was so I give it 3 stars. Kailey is pretty sweet even if some other female characters are irritating and ridiculous. I expect that lots of drama is in the future for this game as Kalie gets more determined to be a couple.

    If devs took less of their inspiration from porn their games would be better. They can't compete with porn when it comes to action so I don't know why so many of them go there. Less is more as they say. Anyway 3 stars largely based on Kailey while the wider story is mostly irritating and juvenile and cost two stars.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    great animation, storyboarding and scripting are top notch as well. I like that most scenes are available and your choice of whether to engage with characters or not. I hope to see this continue and we get some resolution to the story
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    As of Ch.9 CE Part 2


    • Nice models
    • Interesting setting


    • Forced into scenes & routes
    • MC's personality
    • LI's are ALL horrible people


    Gloomy game that never brightens up. I tried it early on and thought it might have potential to be interesting and can now after coming back to it say it doesn't deliver.

    You might enjoy if you're just looking for nice models and a few sex scenes.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a great Daddy daughter game if that's what you are looking for. Most of the good comments I'd just be repeating. I will add that game has some of the best renders I've seen on here, albeit I wish there were more animations. I'll also add that the character models in this game are in my top 3 favorites. The models have real dimensions and normal attribute sizes. None of this gross over sized big tits and ass that seem to be infesting the platform. Other than that, give it a try. The updates are happening a steady pace.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Let me start by saying that this is a Kinetic Novel. Even if you don't see a tag about it, it is. Because no matter what you choose, the story will be forced down the "daughter" path. The only avoidable scene/path are with some secondary character.

    Is this a negative thing? No. But not everyone like to have meaningless choices and to play kinetic novels (without saying it in advance). Me, for example, I hate them. I play VN because I like to shape my MC path in every story. If I want to read a novel where I've no control at all, I read literotica.

    Apart from this, the story is not so bad but it's not good either. Especially for how the relationship with the supposed daughter start realistically "normal" and then all of a sudden she try to seduce you because.. daddy issues outta nowhere? Well, I don't know because there are time skip every now and then, you don't see how the fuck we went from a normal relathionship between two strangers that MAYBE are related to "I need you Daddy".
    Meanwhile you've the (toxic) relantionship with his wife that is more realistic and interesting to see how it develop but the focus is 90% on the daughter path, so..

    The only good thing I can find in Lost at Birth are the visuals. Stunning renders and models for a VN as you can see by the previews.
    But apart from that, play it ONLY if you like Daddy/Daughter stories (even if it's not the that good of a story as of Ch9). If you're not into that or into Kinetic Novels, go and click that ignore button because this is not for you (and me).
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Game is hot garbage. One dimensional story with no character progression outside the "supposed" daughter (who also looks like she's 15 at best...gross).

    The game has so many other interesting paths it can develop and grow towards, but the dev can't seem to write his way out of a paper bag.

    This one is for the incest crowd only.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    About as middle of the road as it gets imo.
    Not particularly bad, nor particularly good.
    Just fine.

    Though there were a LOT of errors.
    Nothing you couldn't ignore, but still.

    Can't say I recommend the game unless you're hard up for something.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The story with this one is a little weird, almost as if your choices don't matter. There is no avoiding a relationship with Kailey if you pick all "caring" options, but likewise there is no avoiding her ire at the end of Ch. 8 if you completely avoided being a man-whore. It almost feels like a kinetic novel with flavor text options.

    Graphics are great, animations are some of the smoothest and detailed I've seen from a VN. I do wonder though, why is Kailey's face so cherubic? She's not fat, she's not a child, so why does she look like her cheeks are inflated? Aside from that, everything about this is great. A lot of models I haven't seen before, so there's another plus.

    Music and sound is fine. Nothing to write home about, but nothing troubling. It exists, so it automatically keeps any stars I might have otherwise taken away for that alone.

    I'll give it five stars. Dev is really doing good work, and they're all his stars to lose here. As long as the ending doesn't get stupid or shortchanged, as long as the dev doesn't start breaking things, as long as the dev finishes the thing... it should come out with five stars at the end of production.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    A nice daddy daughter game with good visuals. Writing of this one makes it more different than usual daddy daughter games. Devs tend to keep this closer to reality. You can feel the sexual tension from start of the game. Each time MC cheats he feels guilty and afraid to look at face of his wife. There is issue between him and wife but they are trying to solve it. As chapter progress you will knew the reason for it. Comparatively shorter game though.
    But I'm rooting for wife hoping she gets more screen time. Overall I enjoyed the game. Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed Ch. 8]

    An erotic game with a sweet LI despite a cliched set-up. There's a lot of promise here but it just doesn't quite check all the boxes. If you like a love-driven, dad/daughter medium-burn VN with some corruption possibilities, it's worth a go.

    The Good ((y))
    • Beautiful, well-rendered models (including the daughter)
    • Believable story that burns just slow enough to build great tension
    • Erotic H-scenes with good animations
    • Some slick UI elements that are not run-of-the-mill Ren'Py
    The Not-So-Good ((n))
    • There are some rough edges -- some scenes are quite short, narrative jumps around a bit, dialogue isn't perfect
    • Premise is a bit cliched
    • Updates are relatively short in length / content
    A nice if imperfect game that is definitely worth trying. Will continue to follow.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    [Ch.8] You are a 40 year old man recently sober and with a struggling marriage. Things get real crazy when a young woman approaches you with information that she may be your daughter. Apparently a one-night stand from your high school prom might have ended with a pregnancy you were never aware of from a woman that never appeared in your life other than that night.

    You instantly feel protective and responsible for your daughter and do your best to provide her with love and shelter, even if your wife is caught quite off guard. While living with your daughter and wife, it becomes clear that your relationship with her is anything but ordinary.

    The MC is a big dick pervert with a father's heart, and the daughter is curvy in the best ways and sexy when she wants to be. The daughter is likeable, there are several other characters to sex with, and the story doesn't hide content from you.

    A great game so far. Really want to see this through to the conclusion!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game.
    Renders are good. Sex scenes are too. But most important almost every moment filled with temptation and eroticism. Writing is excellent. Like characters really have personality and they are not feeling like cartoons.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I really didn't want to give this 3 stars but my god the writing is sooooo bad. The characters like trip over themselves trying to talk to eachother. The dialogue is just so awkward and doesn't flow at all. It's like an AI generated the dialogue or something, because this is not how normal people talk to eachother. At all. Not only is the flow of dialogue not smooth at all and not only does it bump into itself repeatedly, but you don't get a choice of what your MC is. It's already established that hes a cheating shitbag and he's already entangled with multiple women. He's also extremely whipped by his wife and is all yes hon no hon of course hon even though he's cheating on her. If the marriage is unhappy, as he admits it, why doesn't he stand up for himself or talk to her like a human being instead of being some kind of whipped beta? It makes absolute no sense and it goes back to the awful writing of earlier. I know I keep bringing up the writing but it's really awful. Moving on from that, the girls look absolutely fantastic. They are all really hot, the renders are great, and I even like the look of the MC which is rare in these types of games where they are some type of hairless smooth skinned generic beta. Here, the MC looks a bit gruff which is good. Overall, I think the game would be an excellent dad daughter wife love triangle or loving dad story but the writing just absolutely nukes it from orbit. I don't normally like reworks or remakes but here I really do think the game would benefit from substantial rewrites.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    - Renders: Definitely the strong point of this VN. Animations are decent, sex scenes are somewhat short but not a big issue.
    - Well presented. The UI and menus look very clean.

    - Story: The game had a very strong start. However... aside from the initial premise, it doesn't seem like the author really knows what to do now. Like the plan was to make dad-daughter love VN but not much has been thought of outside of this initial plan. What to do after the romantic relationship has been established? After the climax?
    - Characters: Its very cliche and uncreative. Characters are just what you'd expect from the typical incest VN. Angry wife that hates MC for plot reasons, innocent daughter that has 0 knowledge of sex but is slowly corrupted/romanced by the dad MC, everyone else are minor supporting characters that are just there for fanservice so people don't complain there is a lack of sex. Its a game that plays it safe with all the 'AVN established' tropes & cliches, it doesn't really bring anything new or exciting to the table.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game on many levels.

    Renders are so very well done and women are very sexy and beautiful.

    Nice story to go with this suiting it's purpose.

    Will be intersting to follow development of this game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    In most games I play the usual issue comes back : Dev do not know what building up tension means, what erotism means, and that whether a scene is hot or not is not correlated by how quick MC pulls his dick and ram it into the woman's vagina

    You need to build tension, you need the cuddling part, the frottage, the dry humping and all that ! It's all so important and hot. (and most of the time even more hot that the sex part, I think I'm not actually even interested in just sex anymore it's so boring, give us passion instead)

    I think here it was done good. I'm not going to say 10/10 but a good 7/10, with most other game being 4 or 5.

    The taboo incest relationship is something I like, I think it was OK but could have been better cultivated. You go too fast between father-daughter to fuck buddies, but I don't mind it that much it was still ok.

    The dev tries to bring variety, by having different scenes : At the park, on a trip where we go at a motel, at MC's job, etc.
    I think it's good, it keeps things dynamic. I'd give it a 6,5/10 because it could have been exploited a lot better, these were all so very short and there could have been more.

    Blue-balling level are low. Which is good.

    Models and assets are good too, I'd give them a good 7/10.

    Choices are almost meaningless. Which I'm fine with, branching is what makes Dev's life hell and reduce the amount of content per update. I like Kinetic novels, but I also really want an ending that we choose.
    I see where this is going, the Harem route, many clues have been given, but I don't want that in the end and I hope we can choose that at least.

    Music is not annoying, which surprisingly is not the bare minimum for a lot of games out here. It's just a few repetitive ones though so nothing incredible.

    I like the MC, I like that he has a personality and doesn't give in when Kailey complains about him still having sex with his wife, I really liked that. (I still actually want him to leave his wife at some point and be only with Kailey, and maybe Cas)

    5/5 stars because I'm not rating just the game, but how well it does compared to other games here, and also to balance the undeserved low rating before I see.
    My real rating would be 6,5/10 (which is not that bad !). If I were to compare with other games it would be 8/10, and if I add the balancing of other unfair rating then you end up with the 5/5 one.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    (Review of v0.4)

    Lost at Birth is off to a decent start. Kailey's model is very attractive, and she is written well to embody the innocent girl who you instantly want to protect and care for. In turn, the writing captures the mc's fatherly instincts in combination with his lustful fantasies in an enjoyable way that allows you to connect with him. I also enjoyed the choice of chill, lofi music which gave the game a relaxed feeling.

    There are imperfections. The sex scenes aren't that hot, and the supporting characters aren't yet compelling. But my primary issue with the game at this stage is the mc's relationship with his wife. We observe her repeatedly act out, hurting herself, the mc and Kailey. We read the mc's inner thoughts about how awful she is and how long these problems have been going on for. But he doesn't do anything about it. As of the version I played, the most that happened was him accidentally letting out that she was drinking quite a lot, and then her suggesting they take a date. He stands passively by while she starts getting Kailey into drugs. Like, seriously? The game implies he has never actually faced her with how her drinking problem has affected him and their relationship. He hasn't even explained to her that he went teetotal years ago. It makes it harder to connect to the mc, seems like a contrived plot point, and is a big turnoff. I haven't played the most recent version but I'm hoping this gets resolved fast. However I'm somewhat doubtful because the mc does seem to be written as a wet blanket, as he doesn't even intervene when Kailey starts drinking too much.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Good writing, it doesn't feel unnatural or too far fetched, you actually believe it. That's rare nowadays.
    The plot is interesting, I woudn't say that it's smth special or unique, but it is solid and keeps you engaged.
    Good renders and beautiful girls. The daughter is great. The wife on the other hand - very annoying.

    For me the only minus that I can't play it on Mac, I got used that all AVN I buy on steam are available to play on Mac, well, not this one unfortunately. Luckily I have Windows as well.