
Jan 1, 2018
, Thank you. You make some brilliant arguments. Its something I did not even think about while I was getting all wound up writing my latest essay above...he he. Until you brought it up, it had not even dawned on me....D'Oh!!. You basically summed up how I first "came across" (oow errr..., I mean figuratively, not literally...he.he) BDSM comic porn, and how many many others must also find and become indoctrinated with this material as well. I mean it's not like you just find the Dofantasy site etc, something first has to "draw" you (excuss the pun) there, and to this type of adult erotic art. Unlike some Manga, Hentei etc, Dofantasy etc have no real presence anywhere near the "main stream", and for obvious reasons! I had no idea the stuff existed until I stumbled onto some pirated Dofantasy content that was substandard (format etc), before that I was just a nieve, wide eyed alterboy, untouched by the ways of the big big bad world..he he. Then I found out how to get the legit good quality stuff (sounds a lot like a drug habit hey....hmmm...funny about that???). I brought a few comics I thought I might like through Dofantasy, but was not a fan of: the unit price (plus the conversion to euros), the site processes and some of the end product I received. Then I started to find pirated material that was of very close or equal quality to the legit content and it was not that hard at all to track down some of it and it was FREE....FREE..., I tellz ya!!!. I could view it in full to work out whether I actually wanted it or not (was worth hard drive space). Which is unlike a few segments of screen shots on the Dofantasy page, and then when you actually view the whole comic most of it, story etc is "not your cup of tea", to hard core violent etc. After that legality, morality etc had a very hard time swaying me back from "the dark side of the force", I was a convert to the dark ways and became Emperor Darth Sidious's jail house bitch!...he he. Long story short, then I stumbled onto this brilliant site and forum and all of you wonderful people (Jez what a kiss arse...he he).


New Member
Apr 5, 2018
I'm confused, I asked for some comics numbers and my post where deleted, then I was told to put that in the request thread, I did so.

Posted deleted again, there is some rule I'm unaware of?, because in the request thread I posted only once And I checked just to see if there is any reply......

And here i see lots of people asking for numbers and their comments aren't deleted at all....¬¬


Jan 1, 2018
, Hi ya. I'm not an Administrator, Moderator etc, just a newbie member also trying to learn the ropes of the site and the forum, I'm sure someone will get back to you shortly, if they have not already directly, and if they have then just ignore this post, just me sticking my big fat nose in...he he.
If they haven't yet had a chance to reply, maybe I can help. I think the answer to your question is that you'll find your post has not actually been deleted it's been moved to make up a Mega Thread, here's the direct link.
There were to many "singular" Fansadox requests in the request space, a lot asking for the exact same material, so they got amalgamated into one, I guess to clean things up ("A tidy desk is the sign of a sick mind"....he he joking).
I also got confused when I could not find my own, I thought it had been deleted or moved to the reject space, until I read the update in the request space and saw what had been done. Hope this helps. Of coarse if I'm totally bloody wrong and it has been deleted (D'Oh!!) for some reason, sorry and I'm sure someone will let you know why and what to do shortly. All the best.


New Member
Apr 5, 2018
, Hi ya. I'm not an Administrator, Moderator etc, just a newbie member also trying to learn the ropes of the site and the forum, I'm sure someone will get back to you shortly, if they have not already directly, and if they have then just ignore this post, just me sticking my big fat nose in...he he.
If they haven't yet had a chance to reply, maybe I can help. I think the answer to your question is that you'll find your post has not actually been deleted it's been moved to make up a Mega Thread, here's the direct link.
There were to many "singular" Fansadox requests in the request space, a lot asking for the exact same material, so they got amalgamated into one, I guess to clean things up ("A tidy desk is the sign of a sick mind"....he he joking).
I also got confused when I could not find my own, I thought it had been deleted or moved to the reject space, until I read the update in the request space and saw what had been done. Hope this helps. Of coarse if I'm totally bloody wrong and it has been deleted (D'Oh!!) for some reason, sorry and I'm sure someone will let you know why and what to do shortly. All the best.
Thank you for yor reply, i checked there and unfortunately my post was deleted....probably i'll stop watching this forum then and seek in other place.

Best regards


Jan 1, 2018
, this not your request in the Fansadox Mega Request Thread?

Hello, I'm finding issues #452 and #457, thanks in advance.
Also there is a process the Administrators of this site / forum want used for requesting content. If you have a look at my post at the top of this page (Monday 11.31pm). I actually tried to give advice, to try to help someone else asking about how to request content on the site. I was quoting an actual Administrators earlier post spelling out where to go on the site and what to do to put in an official content request.
Mate, what I did with my own request was read the request process and then look at what looked like the best formated request I could see by someone else, and then just totally copied (the shit out of!) what they did (as they say "Fake it till you make it"...he he).
Whatever you decide to do, all the best pal.


May 8, 2017
Hello there fellow, I had to create an account here just to reply to this and I like us to reason together on this issue. First of all, may I ask if you actually do have any idea how hard it is for artists to create these BDSM comics ? You argue that most courts would dismiss it if a case bordering on copyright infringement over a €20 to €40 comics is taken up, whilst forgetting that the continual and conscious actions of people who continue to share and submit these comics on forums everywhere on the internet does not only put DoFantasy company at risk of staying out of business but also threatens the financial source of the artists and writers who all make these comics available. You also state that once they found out what DoFantasy specialize in, their prospects get much worse, well be that as it may, can you just sit back for a moment and put yourself in the company's shoe, imagine you are the one in charge of running a company which provides some appealing services to particular customers, which in their case happens to be sexual fantasies that appeals to those who are willing to pay for it in comic format. Would you therefore be happy knowing your work as well as the efforts of the artists and writers you pay are constantly put in jeopardy ? Would you be less concern with the knowledge that your publications are helplessly been shared on torrent sites and on various forum over the cyberspace ? Would you remain unfazed and not eager to do something about a growing menace which in the long run discourage loyal customers to purchase from the site when they could afterall acquire it for free through shared links. Doesn't that dwindles their customer base ? Regarding the price of their comics, I personally don't think the price of their comics are too costly given the richness of their unpredictable stories and the quality of their art, besides what you, (tzunsuru and the rest on here who subtly argues that the illegal distributions of their publications justifies the cost of their comics) fail to realize is that once the artists and publishers are out of business, where else do you all get your Dofantasy fix. I am an illustrator and I have for years being trying to finish up on just one BDSM comic to be publish on DoFantasy and I can tell you that with or without certain needed resources, I know how difficult it can be to complete a good and sellable work, most especially doing it while residing in the kind of country I happen to unfortunately live in.
Is it that hard?If you have a decent PC and internet connection it's simply a matter of writing and drawing, personally I've never had trouble imagining things, erotic or otherwise.Either way this business model of one payment-one item, for digital content, died the day the internet went mainstream.

Do you think people pay for physical books purely for it's content?A lot of it goes to paper,ink and other materials required to make copies, add to that transportation and distribution costs, what do you need to make digital copies and distribute it to billions of internet users?A couple of mouse clicks.Even the laws you bring up are 'copyright' laws(not theft) meant for the printing presses not the internet.

So it's probably better if instead of trying to stop 'piracy', digital content producers come up with a business model actually viable in this day and age.Personally I recommend an one time payment model, basically sell an item a single time at a much higher, but reasonable, price - allow one or multiple customers to pay the amount and once it's paid make it available to everyone for free, permanently - that's what actually happens anyway, and this way you can make sure you don't take a loss for the item.

While I agree with the sentiment, that piracy is wrong, we should not forget to see the other side:

a) Chances are that 99% of the people who downloaded Fansadox comics illegally would not have bought it at all. That's true for me, at least, they are simply to expensive. If I could not download it, I would watch some other form of porn. Sad, but true. There are a lot of things that are not available for download, but I don't miss them enough to buy them, especially if they are overpriced, like Fansadox stuff (but that's just my opinion). To be honest, if the comics were cheaper, they would have already gotten some of my money, but at that current price, it's simply not worth it (and it still wouldn't be worth it if nobody shared them illegally).

So, the argument that piracy is a big loss, is not automatically correct. Most downloads do not equate a lost sale. Sometimes there was no chance for a sale in the first place.

b) Piracy also tends to do be free PR for such stuff. Let's face it, if it wasn't available for download, most people here wouldn't even have heard of them. So in some cases, piracy can even help to make stuff known. Of course, nobody knows if this is a net benefit in the end (personally, I doubt it, but I wouldn't bet on that). But it makes it clear that there can actually be positive side effects of piracy.

But, in the end, piracy is, of course, still wrong. No argument there. But people know that already.
Is it?I don't think what you call piracy(file sharing) is wrong.If I buy something I can give it to others if I want to, if someone else buys something and makes it available to me for free, I see nothing wrong with taking it - and this is what you call 'piracy'.Just because some producers think they are entitled to a payment every time their product changes hands doesn't mean they are right.


Jan 1, 2018
, I partially agree and disagree with what you wrote.
But you know what they say "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, but they think each others stink"....he he he.
But as I wrote in one of my posts above, "We can argue the legalities or moralities all day long, but sorry to say piracy is a fact of life."
What is deemed as "Piracy" (the copying and sharing of content..."Avast, me hearties!") is basically illegal (everywhere) and would also be deemed "morally" wrong ("societal beliefs") as it is considered thieft, as you have not paid for something so by definition you have stollen it. But J walking is illegal also, so there you go!
So yeah it's basically a crime, and some would say wrong. Usually those who stand to lose profit!
Paying for something means you own one copy only, for your own personal use, not further distribution.
But for me it all get's very "grey" very very quickly!
If I copy and distrubute something I don't own the rights to, for a financial profit, then yeah thats a crime, that's down right theft and I should be penalised. It's like robbing a place and selling the goods on!
But if I share something, for no real personal gain, then yeah by law it's still technically a crime and it may hurt the "overall" profits of the owner etc, but should I be threatened and pursued like a common criminal, sometimes even much more harshly than far worse crimes?
Also what's "Piracy" and what's not?
Direct downloading and sharing aside, if I make a compilation USB etc (a "Mix Tape") of MP3's for myself or someone or play music (DJ etc) at a party, function or even in a store (back ground music) where any profit is being made etc or I use my PVR (Personal Video Recorder) to copy a TV show, movie, sport to watch and share with someone else, or make a ring tone for my phone from any form / part of a sound file, or use music, vision or images on my videos, Youtube etc clip, or use an image as wallpaper on any device screen, or scan or photocopy something etc etc etc with out permission of the owner / distributer.....they are all "technically" the breaching of copy right, and possible forms of "piracy" when it comes to the sharing side of things. By making a "copy of content without the express consent of the owner" you can be breaching intellectual property and copy right / piracy laws. Laws do differ for what, how and where you do it, and country to country though obviously. And in most cases no ones going to botehr to chase most breaches, it's not worth it in legal fee's etc. That said build a shit load more jails as you'll need the room if you want to chase everyone who may be guilty..... and don't drop the soap...he he!
Also if individuals are guilty of piracy then what about those who make the PVR's (Sony, LG etc) you can buy legally in any retail store, copying software some of which comes with the purchase of IT / media devices (PC's, TV's, phones etc), or through multinational software companies (Microsoft, Adobe etc)...etc etc etc.
Everything said and done, whatever side of the argument your on, it's total naivety to think piracy is going to go away, just because it's deemed wrong by some, the "genie if well and truley out of the bottle".

I disagree, that just because content is not "physical" (a hard copy book, CD, DVD etc) that it is not as valuable or hard to produce and distribute. Any form of online media still needs resouces expended on it, both creative and physical. It's not just "a couple of mouse clicks". Intellect, artistry, knowledge etc are valuable commodeties. Someone still has to draw the art, whether they use a pencil and paper or draw via a pad to a screen. Artists need to make a living. Then the actual distributors need a "shop front" which is your website, domain name/s, server space, network bandwidth and other IT...etc etc etc. Dependant on the size of your business, maybe staff (tech, admin etc), maybe office space...etc etc. Then there are lawyers (half of Dofantasy's budget...he he), possibly accountants etc etc etc ($$$$$).
Dofantasy etc have a right to try to "make a crust", no argument there. It's what they charge (over charge!) for the content and some of there "business principals", that are "on the nose" and thus pushing those who want the content to look else where. Not just ourselves but the artists also should be pissed at Dofantasy, for how they represent (misrepresent!) them, and thus push there possible customers to other means of finding the content they like!
Hey just my two cents worth.


May 8, 2017
, I partially agree and disagree with what you wrote.
But you know what they say "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, but they think each others stink"....he he he.
But as I wrote in one of my posts above, "We can argue the legalities or moralities all day long, but sorry to say piracy is a fact of life."
What is deemed as "Piracy" (the copying and sharing of content..."Avast, me hearties!") is basically illegal (everywhere) and would also be deemed "morally" wrong ("societal beliefs") as it is considered thieft, as you have not paid for something so by definition you have stollen it. But J walking is illegal also, so there you go!
So yeah it's basically a crime, and some would say wrong. Usually those who stand to lose profit!
Paying for something means you own one copy only, for your own personal use, not further distribution.
But for me it all get's very "grey" very very quickly!
If I copy and distrubute something I don't own the rights to, for a financial profit, then yeah thats a crime, that's down right theft and I should be penalised. It's like robbing a place and selling the goods on!
But if I share something, for no real personal gain, then yeah by law it's still technically a crime and it may hurt the "overall" profits of the owner etc, but should I be threatened and pursued like a common criminal, sometimes even much more harshly than far worse crimes?
Also what's "Piracy" and what's not?
Direct downloading and sharing aside, if I make a compilation USB etc (a "Mix Tape") of MP3's for myself or someone or play music (DJ etc) at a party, function or even in a store (back ground music) where any profit is being made etc or I use my PVR (Personal Video Recorder) to copy a TV show, movie, sport to watch and share with someone else, or make a ring tone for my phone from any form / part of a sound file, or use music, vision or images on my videos, Youtube etc clip, or use an image as wallpaper on any device screen, or scan or photocopy something etc etc etc with out permission of the owner / distributer.....they are all "technically" the breaching of copy right, and possible forms of "piracy" when it comes to the sharing side of things. By making a "copy of content without the express consent of the owner" you can be breaching intellectual property and copy right / piracy laws. Laws do differ for what, how and where you do it, and country to country though obviously. And in most cases no ones going to botehr to chase most breaches, it's not worth it in legal fee's etc. That said build a shit load more jails as you'll need the room if you want to chase everyone who may be guilty..... and don't drop the soap...he he!
Also if individuals are guilty of piracy then what about those who make the PVR's (Sony, LG etc) you can buy legally in any retail store, copying software some of which comes with the purchase of IT / media devices (PC's, TV's, phones etc), or through multinational software companies (Microsoft, Adobe etc)...etc etc etc.
Everything said and done, whatever side of the argument your on, it's total naivety to think piracy is going to go away, just because it's deemed wrong by some, the "genie if well and truley out of the bottle".

I disagree, that just because content is not "physical" (a hard copy book, CD, DVD etc) that it is not as valuable or hard to produce and distribute. Any form of online media still needs resouces expended on it, both creative and physical. It's not just "a couple of mouse clicks". Intellect, artistry, knowledge etc are valuable commodeties. Someone still has to draw the art, whether they use a pencil and paper or draw via a pad to a screen. Artists need to make a living. Then the actual distributors need a "shop front" which is your website, domain name/s, server space, network bandwidth and other IT...etc etc etc. Dependant on the size of your business, maybe staff (tech, admin etc), maybe office space...etc etc. Then there are lawyers (half of Dofantasy's budget...he he), possibly accountants etc etc etc ($$$$$).
Dofantasy etc have a right to try to "make a crust", no argument there. It's what they charge (over charge!) for the content and some of there "business principals", that are "on the nose" and thus pushing those who want the content to look else where. Not just ourselves but the artists also should be pissed at Dofantasy, for how they represent (misrepresent!) them, and thus push there possible customers to other means of finding the content they like!
Hey just my two cents worth.
I'm guessing you're American or at least live in a Western country?Considering you live in a fascist country most of what you wrote is probably true for you, but this not the case all over the world, even if the Americans have tried to make it so.And some of what you wrote isn't just a matter of different opinion but is factually wrong.Not paying for something is certainly not the definition of theft, taking something that belongs to another without his permission is.Most people don't consider file sharing theft which is why it's called copyright violations in the first place.Intellectual property rights is an American creation that infringes on actual property rights, largely ignored by the rest of the world.For your second to last paragraph, or you can draw something using a free,open source Paint software and upload it to any of the free file-hosting sites that 'pirates' use regularly, which would practically be free.


Jul 13, 2017
.Intellectual property rights is an American creation that infringes on actual property rights, largely ignored by the rest of the world.
Technicaly it was invented by English and French during the XVII and XVIII centuries so it’s not american.

Not paying for something is certainly not the definition of theft, taking something that belongs to another without his permission is.
Which is basicaly what you are doing when you download books, movie etc online (taking something without his permission).
So yes, sorry to burst your bubble but you and I are thieves.

I'm guessing you're American or at least live in a Western country?Considering you live in a fascist country
Hmmmm where does this come from ?


Respected User
Former Staff
May 6, 2017
Please take this discussion to PM or to a new thread in General Discussion.

Appreciate that so far that's it's been kept respectful, but it's completely off topic for this thread.



Jan 1, 2018
, Sorry, yep totally agree. Appologize to all that have had to put up with me crapping on (essays!) about copy right and piracy, when what we all want is to find out about how to get the comics we crave!
While it's interesting to discuss such topics, this is not a Law Society forum, this is a forum for the sharing of Fansadox content. So yep lets get back to the direct discussing about, and the sharing of Fansadox comics. I agree and admit that I / we have gotten off track!
I'm new to the site and forum, I like this site and forum, the last thing I want to do is get kicked off either, especially if it's for something (shit that is) ultimately futile!
, Thanks, yep totally agree with your comments, all the best.
, We could take the discussion to another forum etc, but why bother? Lets just agree to disagree. You seem to be getting a bit "worked up" and "militant", based on your last post. So I can't see a civil conversation taking place anyway.
For the record I was writing about Dofantasy etc, an art distribution business, not sole individuals just doing art and uploading to the net, there's a bit of a difference!
I didn't intend any insult to you in my post, I tried to use some humour, if you interpreted something I wrote as an insult, then I regret that.
No I'm not an American, not that it, why would it matter one way or the other (WTF?)!
Yes I live in a western country, one that's not perfect, but far from facist (again WTF?)!
The USA is not perfect (no argument), BUT what country is?
I'd be interested to know exactly where you live (I think I can guess!). If I've guessed right, I know it's not perfect (far from it!!!) either!
I think you have a bit of a "chip on your shoulder", from what you wrote and the language you use! So let's just leave it there, ok!


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2017
Welcome to you both.
Will do.Now to find how to PM.
Click on the user's name or profile picture then on the pop-up click on start a conversation.

HELLO PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!
MANY THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!
1) No need to shout - typing in all caps is not often appreciatied as it is usually seen as shouting.
2) I did a google for it and there were several torrents offering it, 1 site that was offering to sell it (for $19.99) was also claiming it was totally banned...not sure how selling a banned product works, but hey.
My usual go to for comics (8muses) jumped from 456 to 46x so can't help there.
You may be out of luck if you don't like torrents or they prove no good.
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