VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Dating My Daughter [Ch. 1-4 v1.01] [MrDots Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    It's boring and drawn out. 90% of the text can be scrolled. Instead of an interesting story, the game has tons of stupid and useless thoughts and conversations that you have to scroll through, thereby missing out on important things.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Very excellent game. The people behind making the game did a good job at drawing the player into the storyline to the point that they actually cared what happens to the characters. I constantly found myself feeling guilty for being with anybody other than the daughter or the daughter and Georgina and nobody else. Georgina really deserved somebody devoted just to her and daughter definitely deserves somebody devoted only to her as well. This is definitely a five-star game even though I only gave it four stars. The only reason it got four stars is it I constantly had to be aggravated shutting on and off relationships just to see scenes and having to replay things over and over to make it how I thought I wanted the game to go. So many times I thought one relationship was a good idea only to end up regretting it and having to go back and redoing it. I hated constantly having to cheat with the relationships being turned on and off otherwise it would have got five stars. By the time chapters 3 and 4 come along, all the ifs ands and buts got so confusing as to what exactly was needed to get a certain outcome that it just aggravated the shit out of me. There was no reason that it had to be that complicated or required to make so many sacrifices with relationships. Could have also used a bigger ratio of sex scenes considering the amount of clicking and story reading you had to do
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion one of the best games released in years, many hours of gameplay, satisfies many different ways to play, from harem to ntr to the perfect love story, the graphics have improved over time, in the latest chapter they also added audio.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a classic of the genre. It's not doing anything too crazy, but is good at the basics.

    I enjoyed the slow burn, it got a little slow at parts but was able to keep my attention.

    Daughter is very attractive, I enjoyed the scenes and renders.

    Its a very vanilla VN though, with a few choices of different routes.

    The dialogue can for sure be sub-par, but that not why we are playing this.

    Overall a very solid game and a classic.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game.... if so like such themes :D plenty of sex scenees, beautfule girl with many site of woman beauti. nice MC and story. quite long but worth of pay atention. within first chapters some choices to made.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    this game was so cool at first then it turned into some stupid family drama and too much first world problems. and the text!! 10 hours of text 1 hour of sex. seriously don't bother with this shit. Also how many timed do you need to have sex with D? it was fun at first but by chapter 3 I just skip all of her solo scenes they are too repetitive.
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Jaga Telesin

    Just about done with part 2 of 4, and after my latest hour I had to post my thoughts on the game.

    + Good models with varied body types
    + Decent-to-good renders, for when the game was made
    + Fun premise of corrupting your daughter via friend/love and it's progression
    + Side characters were a nice touch to detract from the story (more on this below)

    -- One of the "clickiest" stories I've played. It's a SLOW burn, with thousands of lines of text per chapter. Two minuses for this alone, as we have to read not only what they say, but ALL of their thoughts surrounding it.
    -- The main love interest (your daughter) is so unbelievably repressed and hesitant about ANYTHING having to do with sex, it actually is a major turn off after a while. Halfway through the game and she's barely up to oral (just happened for the first time). Also two minuses for this - she shouldn't be this bad no matter what - relationship to her father nonwithstanding. She's madly in love with him, and it's just unrealistic.
    ----- Some of the DUMBEST characters in any AVN I've ever played. The choices they make are outstandingly stupid, reckless, and just oblivious to everything around them. I won't spoil any plot, but in chapter 2 where they are trying hard not to be seen publicly, they run around town like teenagers in love, ignoring everything including what they SHOULD be doing for the plot. Because literally no one other than a sub-90 IQ human would be doing what these characters are doing, it gets a full five minuses for this alone.

    Normally if all of those minuses hadn't been there, I'd have given the game a 4.3-4.6 rating, as the rest of it is an enjoyable experience (despite some janky animations which are excusable due to the game's age). But good god, the stupidity on display coupled with just how repressed the daughter is.. it's just too much of a letdown and drags the entire experience with it. Ends up a 3.0 as a result.

    I'd make other suggestions for the dev on how to improve it, but since it's been done for a while now it's a moot point. If you decide to play it, beware that you could probably write a graduate dissertation in the same time it takes to play all four chapters, and you'd probably get in more wanks with the dissertation as a result.

    tldr; decent, but too many negatives drag what could have been a stellar experience down.

    Edit: Updating my review to drop the score from 3 stars down to 2. The MC's daughter (main love interest) gets dumber the more the game continues. Near the end of chapter 3, she's about the equivalent of a monkey with a concussion. Forrest Gump would appear to be the sharper if they were put side-by-side. From that perspective, go into the game looking to skip all of the story and text, and just focus on the sex bits - the rest of it isn't worthwhile.

    Edit 2: Further dropping my 2-star review down to 1-star, due to inconsistencies in the story that just get worse over time. Game isn't worth playing at this rate.

    Edit 3: Finished the game. Chapter 4 is fuck-all bad. The story is just so predictably lame and cheesy, with everyone doing the worst possible thing at the worst possible moment. It's just unbelievably bad. Do yourself a favor and avoid this game like the plague, unless you use CTRL to skip the story entirely.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Generic characters, weak writing. Tedious gameplay and even though there are choices, the game feels linear. The generic porn actress looks of the daughter mixed with the sluty makeup is horrible. The game plot is boring and predictable. I'm trying to play the 4 chapters, but I'm having a really bad time finishing it, just because I don't like to leave a game half played even if it's bad.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Story.. that is it just a game, make believe not real "is a game" i like story and enjoyed playing this game STORY.
    Model is free is good what you want?
    my opinion is good is free and best thing in life is FREE.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a game that impressed me a lot. In my opinion, it is the most interesting and large-scale game with its love story. A game that I was always waiting for updates. I want to thank the author for putting so much work into the game.
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    It could have been a game I could have loved, but it wasn't possible because the story and characters kept stepping on their own foot. The game tries to preach too much. I don't want to read to the philosophy of incest in a play like this. Or I'm tired of the characters constantly telling me what's right and what's wrong. All the characters in the game are hypocritical wretched who don't know what they want.

    The MC daughter was probably one of the most dumbest character I've ever encountered in this type of game. A normal person can know what sex is, even if he or she lives asocial without leaving home until the age of 18. However, the main character's daughter here has a worldview as if she were 8 years old, not 18. That's why nothing about the girl and her father is believable. Sometimes even unbearably boring.

    One minute the daughter is sucking her father's cock, the next minute the father wants to try something different, and suddenly you are bombarded with monologues about the daughter's inner conflicts, as if she were a prude. On the contrary, when the father puts his fingers in his daughter's vagina and makes her cum, you are suddenly confronted with a lot of monologues that you have to skip about how what he did was very wrong.

    The story also goes in circles a lot. The game tries to get you seduce through massages a lot, but these scenes are so repetitive that it gets really boring after a point. The corruption of MC's daughter is progressing at a snail's pace. I played the first chapter for about 40 hours and in the end the only thing the father could get his daughter to do was a handjob. I started the second season and I'm halfway through and the father still hasn't been able to have proper sex with his daughter and fuck her.

    The developer tried to portray the daughter of the main character in his game as a forbidden apple that is impossible to reach. Just to make the gameplay less boring, some side characters have been added for you to fuck throughout the process. But the name of the game is "Dating My Daughter" and I didn't want to play an ordinary harem game.

    If you want to make a game about a father and his daughter having fuck with each other, then there is no need to make such a big deal about their fucking. Thats way fucking MC's daughter is probably even harder than fucking a nun in real life. This game does not respect the player's time in any way and rewards very little. It is just a pointless waste of time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Asd Leves

    It might be the best VN I have played. I had no issue with anything. Loved the animation, the renders, the writing and the characters too. Honestly, it was pretty hard to see her leave us and it made me cry when she jumped into our hands from the sidewalk (that moment was hard to experience). Good stuff, thank you for making this. Best wishes.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The good:
    - Great poses / scenes (later in the game)
    - Hot daughter model

    The bad:
    - If you made 1 wrong decision 5 hours ago, it can lead to a game over and require you to play the whole game again because you can't change the outcome, this is a prime example of worse game design

    - Too little variety. I think I got 8 blowjobs or so that look all the same in a row. That's a missed opportunity of doing other little stuff (titjob, footjob, tighjob, sleeping blowjob, handjob.. in daily situations). There's so much lost opportunity. The game even mentions that you can get footjobs but it doesn't happen. There is really no benefit in getting another blowjob after 5 times in a row.

    - Often during sex scenes you don't see the full characters, only close up on the genitals, which removes the personality of the characters having sex. This seems to change now in chapter 2, so I might adjust this aspect later.

    - Often way too much text before something happens. When you skip through with holding down CRTL you sometimes have the feeling to see the universe pass by in front of your eyes and ask yourself how many hours it would've taken to read all that stuff.

    - Tits of your daughters friends are too small (almost non existent / not developed yet), they almost look like underage characters which is a huge turnoff.

    - You have to go through the same basic progressions (finger her, lick her pussy, lick her nipples etc.) tousand times over and over again on your way to a new sex scene. This is again so much wasted potential where the dev could've get creative and enrich the game with so much varied content. I really don't need another close up with 20% of the MCs tongue on the playstation 1 graphics pussy. Really noone is getting anything out of that.

    - Like most adult games this game also fails to provide you with animations after the characters came. You want to jerk off and time your orgasm with the characters? Enjoy suddenly looking at a static picture.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly sexy game. Good dating sim, too, as long as you don't mind making a backup save at every choice. Sometimes your hopes and dreams can be dashed by picking the "wrong" good option. Very beautiful visuals.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Just finished the game. It's somewhere between average and good (6.5/10). From best to worst: Chapter 4 / Chapter 1/ Chapter 2 / Chapter 3. I was going to rate it lower but after completing Chapter 4 I saw the effort to try to give people a good game and I appreciate that. IMO the writing is the main problem, game is tedious at times (mostly in chapters 1,2 and 3), too many "convenient" events, terrible and idiotic antagonists (Lucas, Tyra), I hope is not against the rules to mention a game from the same developer but I felt like I was replaying Melody until 1/2 of the game, Elena and Sophia are almost the same (somehow I liked Elena more), personally I don't like to make major choices for other characters besides the MC in an AVN I think it ruins immersion, turning ON and OFF relationships feels weird as well I don't like that either.

    I could metion more things but there are also good and funny moments that I liked and the ending in chapter 4 was surprisingly satisfactory, chapter 4 was really good (except for that moment when the writer resurrected Grandpa Joe, i'm pretty sure someone metioned earlier he was dead).

    Anyway, overall a funny and tedious experience in an unnecessarily long game.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I've dropped this part way through Chapter 2. I'm sure others may find this interesting. I feel like the dev is trying to shoehorn certain plot lines, rather than the plot lines actually making sense for any given character. This has lead to frustration. There are an 'epic' amount of clicks in this VN, so much that I'd be tempted to call it a clicker.

    Some of the decisions are not quite logical and there's some... inconsistency with how points are awarded. Speaking of which the points system in this game is 'meh' at best, it feels like it was included because the dev thinks it would sell rather than actually being a decent mechanic. Now normally you would have plenty of opportunities to try things out or try and correct mistakes but the way it's laid out and with how obscure the points are awarded, you basically need the walkthrough to get anywhere.

    Compared to other games, the animation, modelling, lighting is average at best. Though I found the jaw placement when speaking to be jarring at the least (some how these people speak as if their jaw is jutting out and off to one side it's really unsettling).

    Back to the story at the moment, I mentioned about the story being shoehorned. Chapter 1 didn't feel shoehorned, it felt like more or less natural progression some things could have been tidied up sure, but it was really Chapter 2 where basically every other choice began to feel 'forced' perhaps that's not the right word, or perhaps it's that the Daughter didn't feel believable.

    At any rate this lead to me losing the will to carry on with game, so hence dropping it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent graphics and nice story! Fantastic game that is fun to play. Many choice. Sometimes it's hard to know which choice to pick for the consequences. The walkthrough is useful.

    It's a few years old but you don't feel it. Looks top notch.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Am liebstes Lieblingsspiel! Ich liebe Dee und das ganze Game nur der blöde Lucas nervt ;-)
    aber gehört als zur story!!! finde bis jetzt alle Spiele von Mr Dots qualitativ sehr hochwertig und die Grafik ist auch sensationell! Jedem zum Empfehlen! Fange auch grad sunshine love an...

    Favorite favorite game! I love Dee and the whole game is just annoying with stupid Lucas ;-)

    but it's part of the story!!! I think all of Mr Dots' games so far are of very high quality and the graphics are also sensational! Recommend to everyone! Just starting sunshine love...
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This has one of the best stories I have ever played. Quite a lot of content with real choices that do change the ending. A little bit of everything. It is story driven so it does take a while for content to get good but well worth it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best games so far. you are in charge. thats awesome. you can swing or not. the harem doesn't feel overpowered. it's totally great and you feel that your choices are important ! the plot is incredible and the character models are nice. maybe in the future we will find more realistic dicks in games :D but no one is playing this game for an realistic dick :D